
Monday, November 12, 2007

Johnny May Starve! You Can Save Him!

You can help!

Johnny is a policeman for the Griffin, Georgia, Police Department. A memo has surfaced from the head of their police force saying that each patrolman is expected to write at least 20 tickets a day.

Wow! That could be dangerous. Lets say there are 20 patrolmen around the clock on the Griffin Police Force. It is not a real big town, but not a small town either. They probably have more than 20 patrolmen around the clock, but lets use 20 for the sake of calculating.

Twenty patrolmen and times 20 traffic violations = 400 tickets.

Now that this memo is now public knowledge, we can assume most people will obey the traffic rules. So, there may not 400 traffic violations in a 24 hour period.

This may lead to some traffic cops to be creative with their ticket books.

And Johnny, a honest cop, may go to bed hungry. You can help! All those people who live within 20 or 30 miles of Griffin can cruise through town, run a few lights, break a few speed limits, and do anything else you want. It might mean you are saving Johnny’s job.


  1. If Johnny could only issue some ticketts to the hordes of assholes who run red lights on my corner, all would be right with the world.

  2. Well, writing a ticket for somebody who ran a redlight is one thing, but writing a ticket saying someone ran the redlight when they didn't, just to save their job - that is something else.

  3. Exactly. That's why I wish your cops could write some tickets up here. It's a win-win situation.

  4. Suzanne,
    Lets see.... 20 and day...hmmm, that is 2.5 and hour... no time for donuts!


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