
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Rules and Regulations

I hate to be a stickler for rules. Vampires have guild lines they must follow, for instance they are deeply offended by a cross, another rule you can not see them in a mirror, they are allergic to garlic and/or sunshine, and the there are more regulations they strictly adhere to.

And the same about Werewolves. They have their rules and regulations also. One is if you shoot one with a silver bullet it will kill them. Another one is that they only sprout hair and turn into werewolves during a full moon.

And I think this transformation happens at midnight. Now, this is what I am wondering about: If the midnight rule applies what happens when Daylight Savings time shifts the time an hour? Do they go by the old time or the Daylight time. I know it is just a technicality but still, it would be nice to know.


  1. Good thing the moon went full before DST this year, eh?

    Poor werefolk might not know what hit 'em if it'd happened at the same time...


  2. DST is confounding confusing.


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