
Friday, January 26, 2007

Now You See It, Now You Don't!

Tonight we rented the movie THE ILLUSIONIST staring Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti, and Jessica Biel. It was mystic, it was romantic, it had suspense, it had catsup, I mean blood, it had greed, and it had the viewer’s attention all the way through it.

Edward Norton played magician Illusionist Eisenheim. Boy was he good! He could do any magic trick! Well, it gets more detailed than that description. I thought it was a great movie.

It also reminded me of my friend El Postino’s post today on his blog Paranoia Strikes Deep entry “You Are In My Power”. El Postino takes on the old cartoon magician Mandrake the Magician and hypnotism in general ….. great post, El Postino!


  1. Anonymous12:53 AM

    I have been hearing a lot about this movie from several sources. I havent heard one bad thing about it.

  2. Steve,
    It was a good flick. I am wondering if it based on a real story in Vienna around 1880 or so. I might google around see if I can find something on it.

  3. I've been wanting to see this. But I have the worst time remembering all the movies I want to see when I go Blockbuster. I like Edward Norton and will see most anything with him in it.

  4. Button,
    We have the same problem you do - when we see the commercial for a certain movie on TV we say we want to see that when it comes out on DVD - then forget.
    I'm thinking of keeping a list - but since I can not read my own scrawl when it gets cold, I better keep it listed on the computer.


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