
Friday, November 10, 2006

Doctor Appointments and Spilling the Beans

My neurologist appointment went well today – for me, not for him. He couldn’t find anything wrong with me. He is sending me a MRI in a couple of weeks – then, maybe he will get lucky.

He is a tall very positive guy that has a accent. I told my cardiologist I thought he was Australian. The cardiologist said he thought he was South African.

He came bounding in the room with a big smile. He noticed the book I put down when he came in was “Tommyknockers” by Stephen King. He asked me how did I like it. I told him I liked it but at times I would lose track and have to go back to see where I fell off the page. He asked me did I get to the part where the lady finds a space ship buried partly in the earth – I said, yes (that is near the beginning). Then he asked me another part and I said yes. Then he said asked me did I get to another part and I said, “No.”

Then the good doctor quickly summed up everything all the way to the end on what will happen in the book.

So much for the pleasure of reading a Stephen King book with a surprise around every corner.

Anna had two appointments. Her appointments went well. Her two doctors did not tell her how her book she is reading is going to end.


  1. I am glad to hear that your appointments went OK and that Anna is feeling better.

    I myself didn't like The Tommyknockers as much as some other Stephen King books, but there is nothing worse than a spoiled ending. Some jerks did that to me when I was reading Presumed Innocent many years ago. I will never forgive them. Anyway, It was my favorite Stephen King book.

  2. Anonymous2:47 AM

    You know of course, the ultimate irony would have been if he would have been a proctologist, then he really would have "spoiled the ending."

  3. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I am curious about whether Anna was able to ask her "one illness at a time" dr. about her unexpected illness and how that panned out...

  4. Suzanne,
    I suppose I will keep on reading, just for the details - he didn't tell me the details. The next time I visit him I think I'll but my book in a sack.
    You got me! My mind had been grinding away to top your comment and can't come up with a thing. I'll raise my hands and come out slowly.

  5. Steve,
    Wait! I got it!
    If your proctologist had told me the ending of the book I could say, "What an Ass-Hole!"


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