
Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The other day I was looking at my exercise log and saw that I have not ran or rode my bike in the month of October. Not only that, but my walking has decreased a lot and I have a craving for barbecue and ribs.

I think my body is trying to revert back to it primal instincts and stuff itself then look for a cave to hibernate during the upcoming winter and live off my fat.

It seems at every change of seasons my body wants to just to into a slumber state. It may have something to with age or it may have something to do with laziness.

Whatever the reason, I am trying to reverse the motion, or, non-motion in this case. My cardiac doctor tells me I need to get my heart rate up just about every day up between 100 to 128 bpm.

To reverse the trend I went for a 5 mile bike ride Sunday, walked yesterday on the treadmill, and this morning after I walked on the treadmill I went out and ran for 30 minutes.

I always enjoy myself when I run outside. It is a pleasure to see leaves, trees, flowers, and whatever else there is to see, and listen to my MP3 player to oldie music. And I feel much better.

But first I need to convince myself how good it is to exercise daily. How did I do?


  1. Well, you certainly inspired me to get off my increasingly large arse and go to the gym, which I have been procrastinating about for an hour. First, I shall read the rest of your posts that I missed yesterday...

  2. Suzanne,
    You inspire me daily.

  3. To run away from the computer, trying to forgot the horrors of the internet?

  4. Suzanne,
    There is a thin line between "inspire" and "stealing ideas".


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