
Sunday, September 10, 2006

September the 11th, 2001 - rocketboom911

September the 11th, 2001.

I’m told if I tag this ‘Rocketboom911’ it will be swept up and added to a big collection of people’s experiences on day “the Earth Stood Still” – so here goes:

As everyone else, I started off my day unsuspecting anything was in the works that would affect the whole world just a few hours away.

At daybreak I walked routinely my two or three miles and came home and took a shower. I did not eat a breakfast because I wanted to treat myself out.

I am a sucker for commercials of a new food. The Krystal was having commercials about their Cajun spicy chicken and biscuits, served all day. I love spicy food, so that day I skipped my low calorie breakfast at home and drove to the drive-through window at the Krystal and ordered a Cajun Chicken and Biscuit at the squawk box. The female voice said, with a foreign accent said they didn’t have that. I told the non-expressive squawk box that I just heard a commercial for it and it said, “Now being served at all Krystals.” She simply said, “Okay” and told me the amount and “drive around– “please.”

I drove around and paid and the lady with the foreign accent and a mike-earphone set hooked to the side of her head and she gave me the sack and told me to have a nice day.

Krystal, by the way, is very similar to White Castle in the northern states. Their hamburgers are very small with little chopped onions and they seem to have more mustard and catsup on it than beef.

While I was driving I pulled out the biscuit and took a bite. It was just a regular deep fried spit & chew chicken, no spice, no Cajun – the window lady took care of that simple enough… take their money and tell them it is whatever they wanted. Everybody wins!

I drove over to my two sisters’ house, which used to be my parents’ house. My sisters were in Florida and asked me to feed the pets while they were gone.

I did as I was instructed. I fed the cat Candy on the table and fed the dog Cindy on the floor, changed the water, changed the newspapers on the floor, and dipped out little nuggets out of the sandbox.

I dealt with the newspaper and the sandbox lastly. While doing one of them, I forgot which one the TV came on. My sister had this old console TV left over from my parents that she was still using. It came on for no reason. Scary!

The Today Show was on. Katie Couric was looking me straight in the eye saying an airplane has apparently crashed into one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The announcement got my complete attention. I sat down and watched. Just a few minutes later they announced a second plane had hit the other building.

“Terrorists” was suggested on the show. News began popping in from all over. Things got wild.

My first thought was “Oh SHIT!!!”

Then I thought “What now?” And I thought of where Anna and the boys were at that moment – at their different work places and called them to make sure they were okay.

I drove back home and spent the rest of the day in front of the TV trying to make sense of it all. Which, five years later and it still doesn’t make sense.

I was very interested in what our leaders were going to do. It seemed the biggest thing to do was hide until the smoke cleared.

Now, it appears that they are blaming a country that had little to do with terrorists.

You think a new pipeline in Iraq had anything to do with pinning the blame? Of course the fact that they had for sure Weapons of Mass Destruction was even more proof. And that is why we are more safe today?

Tag: rocketboom911


  1. I'm still wondering how that TV came "ON" by itself!!

  2. That TV thing was spooky! But then again, that day was quite frightening too.

  3. Carolyn,
    Yes it twas.
    I am glad to see that you feeling able to get out and about.

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