
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Up and At 'Em!

I normally wake up at 4:30 on week days but this morning I woke up at 3:30 but did not get up until 4:00. The reason I woke up was I had to pee. Now, I could get up and pee, get my body circulating, which will stimulate me staying awake and hope I could go back to sleep. Being in a strain for 30 minutes was long enough.

Which threw off my schedule.

I have an enlarge prostate which many elderly men have. Which scrunches against the bladder, causing a long pee-storage time uncomfortable. However, for over a year now I have been taking Saw Palmetto, which somehow relieves the pressure and many nights I can get through most the night. Before Saw Palmetto I was getting up 2 or 3 times a night.... now, my down time is just cut sort for an hour or less most nights.

That is probably all you care to read about my bladder capacity and control.

Yesterday afternoon was busy. I picked up my sister at a letting out point for the bus full of seniors that went on the Washington, DC, trip. It must have been fun for her. She was a stranger to all when the trip started. When she was leaving everybody was hugging her.

I noticed plenty of people when getting off the bus would hand the bus driver an envelope. I wondered if my sister was going to hand me envelope when I lugged her suit case of the flight of stairs of her house and back to her room. NOT!

Then I had some time to kill so I went to Sports Authority and found the type of pedometer I was in the market for. So, I bought it. I also looked at the bikes because I am considering upgrading my bike. But again, I might find something cheaper and better at a yard sale.

Then I had Wendy's chili for dinner. While I was eating four or five Marietta City Police came in. I noticed there were only two police cars in the parking lot, so that tells me they go two per car. That is good. Many police are killed in doing their duty these days, which would be less likely if there were two of them. The Cobb County Police only have one per car, but I noticed that when one has someone pulled over, usually a second police car is near, overlooking it all.

Then I went to the Central Library. It was 6pm, I still had an hour before the Cobb County Genealogical Society met. This month's speaker was a professor giving a talk on Indian Trails in Cobb County, which she really gave the history of the trails and how the Indians got screwed, and she had some unkind words to say about Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson.

A brother of an ancestor mine owned a farm next door to The Hermitage, near Nashville, and was a pallbearer at his funeral. I saw no need to share that with the professor, I wasn't there to name drop.

I went there last Tuesday, getting my Tuesdays of the month mixed up, so I made up for it.

While waiting for the meeting to start I checked out two CDs, one was Buddy Moss's "Atlanta Blues" and the other one was "The Very Best of John Lee Hooker".

In the library there are easy chairs all over the place for people to read. They seem to be mostly, but not limited to, the magazine section. There, it is meant, I suppose that people can relax and read. In other places there are upright chairs at tables, in areas people would mostly likely do research.

One thing I noticed, in the magazine area a lot of people sitting in the easy chairs relaxing reading magazines have back-packs. They are homeless. At nine o'clock they will be shooed out. In the winter time there are more.

I went to the Georgia Room and utilized my time doing some research. I spent four or five dollars on copies at 15cents a page of pages of a Macon County, NC, deed book, that my surnames were listed in the index.

Then I got down the Cobb County Marriage book (1834-1937) and found a good many uncles, aunts, and cousins who got married. I listed them all. Two of the names were Edwin Tyson Hunter and Ethel America Petty, February 27, 1937, Marriage Book L, p106. My parents.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I think it is pretty common for the homeless to live in libraries in big cities.

    I am trying to make sure i get a check up every year with my own man issues. I started last year, and have been lucky so far....

  2. I am holding off for the first of July. Then I will be on Medicare and one of the requirements when going on Medicare is get a physical within the first 6 months.

  3. Mr. kenju takes Saw Palmetto too, Eddie. Medicare physicals are great, and the cost is minimal with it (hurray!).

  4. I am looking forward to being part of the system.


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