
Monday, September 30, 2024

Skip Williamson


Skip’s picture at Atlanta’s DragonCon in the late 1990s that I just came across.
Skip Williamson (1944-2017). Skip was an underground cartoonist. In the mid 1990s I heard he and his family (Harriet and their twin daughters) moved to Marietta. I knew of Skip’s art in various cartoon work in underground comix and HELP magazine. He bought a house from my one-time postal Supervisor Stan. Stan did bodywork part time and rigged up his garage with ideal lighting for painting cars, which also was ideal lighting for drawing underground comix.
For the heck of it, what do I have to lose? I called Skip and welcomed him to Marietta and we invited me over for a beer. That beer grew intro many more with many more visits. We had the same MAD heroes and he did a lot of cartoons for Harvey Kurtzman’s HELP Magazine, an example here.
Looking up a his living dates I read he was called a “rambunctious cartoonist”. He was. He was also a rambunctious friend. His last art work that I know of was painting on nude women at a club of Ponce de Leon in Atlanta.
They moved again and we lost touch. I hated to read that he died.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


 Harvey Kurtzman created MAD Comicbook.  After that, he created TRUMP Magazine, after that he created     HUMBUG Magazine, which is this is one of the stories.  Story by Harvey Kurtzman and art by Atlanta's own, Jack Davis,     YOU KNOW WHO WILL GET KILLED

Saturday, September 28, 2024



Some time in our high school days, late 1950s, my friend Monty decided to build a cabin with Lake Allatoona as frontage. How we got the materials to build the cabin are several long boring stories I will not bore you with, besides I’m not sure if the statue of limitations has ran out yet.
Monty picked a place for the cabin in a little cove just before the Boy Scout property began. He said the cove had the longest view of the lake.
He did all he was suppose to do, he thought. I think one could lease the land for 99 years either from the Army Corps of Engineers or Georgia Power, I forgot which. I think there was a stipulation you must live on the leased land at least one day per month.
So, we hauled the materials up there, it took many trips. Monty and other friends did the nailing and digging. I know I know nothing about building, so I was a gopher.
I remember we got the cement blocks base laid in balanced harmony and had par of the frame up when WHAM! One day we got there and the Army Corps of Engineers ordered for it to be torn down. The lot it was built on land lower than Lake Allatoona’s highest mark..
We had to tear it down.
But being resourceful like Monty is, he decided to take the lumber and build a houseboat.
He took the boards and made what looked like a large floor. I forgot how he did it, but underneath the large floor were frames about the same width and height as a 55 gallon drums. On a cold Thanksgiving we stripped down to our jockey shorts and pried one 55 gallon drum at a time under the big floor or platform. In the water, once a drum is placed it is floating so it can’t go down, and cannot go. sideways or forward because a board would be blocking it.
It seems like it took 18 55 gallon drums. Again, I won’t bore you with where the drums came from.
Sometime or another we, via the water, floated the platform around the bend to Victoria Landing. They had electrical power sources.
Monty built a cabin that was shaped like a pup tent. It had a loft for sleeping and counter to cook. Not bad.
Then he changed it to what looked like a regular weekend fishing houseboat.
One time on Easter morning a bunch of us went swimming (in our underwear) and got drunk and visited some friends’ parents, who we did not know were having an Easter Party on their Boathouse and we crashed into the boathouse damaging it.
At work that Monday morning I was telling a friend that worked the same place about the swimming, the drunkenness', and the crash into the boathouse and she said, “Rock! Didn’t you freeze your balls off?” I thought one co-worker, a deacon would choke on his donut.
I do not remember why but Monty decided to change the house boat from looking like a giant pup tent to looking like a floating camper, but we did.
Bubba Johnson liked what we did and decided he and his friends would do the same. They built the floating platform and built the frame. And decided to have a party to celebrate the frame looking so perfect. I was not there that day, but this is what I heard. They were all drunk, sitting on the rafters and all. They started singing anti-religious songs. Mike was the leader of the songs. One girl told mike to stop singing bad songs about Jesus because something bad would happen to him. He sung louder. Then thunder and lightening came and somehow the frames began folding like dominoes and fell into the lake Several kids fell in too.
The girls said something like, “Mike! I warned you!”
No reply.
No reply.
Where is Mike?
Then they heard his whispering voice: “Help me.”
Only Mike’s arms were sticking out of the pile of lumber. Everybody jumped in and drug him out of he water. He was rushed to the hospital. He had a punctured lung. He lived

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hubert Prance (1917-1930)

 This is Hubert Prance (1917-1930). He lived only 13 years. He was a younger brother to Anna's father Paul Prance (1910-2000). Hubert is buried at Noonday Baptist Church Cemetery, north of Marietta.

It is the only time I have even seen anybody ride a rooster.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Homer & Cora Smith Prance Boating

 Of all of Marie's pictures she left the ones from Homer and Cora Smith Prance some are, well, different, like a Fellini movie is different. But different also means interesting! Of Homer and Cora's pictures there are a batch that have no names, they all are labeled from "From Cora's negatives. Here goes:

Monday, September 23, 2024

Moses Harshaw, Meanest Man in Georgia


This was the home of Moses Harshaw. In about 2010 when we visited it, it was Stovall’s Bread and Breakfasr.
Moses Harshaw is sort of a relative, sort of. He was an in law to an aunt, whose niece married one of John Hunter’s daughter. So, he was an in-law to an in-law. The reason I am distanting us from him, because he was considered the meanest man in Georgia during his time. When slaves got too old or sickly to be productive into the grave they went. At the time he was considered the meanest man in Georgia.
Moses was a lawyer. I think his number one client was himself.
The house is located in the Sautee Valley, near Helen, Georgia

Sunday, September 22, 2024

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Magazine #24 Photo Quiz

 Words editor Harvey Kurtzman; Art Georgia's own Jack Davis

Saturday, September 21, 2024



This is the Jimmy Carter Presidential Center. If you look hard enough you might can make out me hiding naked behind that tree right.
No, seriously, we went down to the Carter Presidential Center for an Arcadia book signing. A book was published Feb 1st a few years ago that the title said something about Plaines Georgia in 1976. I think it had about 16 pictures of my pictures that I had taken in Plains in November 1976, which was about half of them. Hey! I was one of the book signers along with the editor and the other photographer.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Petty Family, including Walt Ridley, 1930s


The Pettys at the home near Cohutta, Murray County, Ga., they called the Red Hills, c 1937.
Left to Right.
First Row: Osmo Petty (1915-1978), Opal Petty (1913-1992) , Thelma Cox Petty (1908-1994) (wife of Wallace), Wallace Petty (1910-2007), and Sarah Petty (1927-1999) (will become wife of Bill McLemore).
Second Row: Cecil Grant (1901-1958), Georgette Petty Grant 1906-1966), Walt Ridley (1888-1954) (Grandma's brother), Janie Petty Hunter (1918-1996) (Mama and wife of Ed Hunter), Viola Ridley Petty (1885-1968) (Grandma), Mary Jo Johns Petty (1913-2000) (wife of Tom) and Tom Petty (1908-1979).
Behind Walt: Probably Roy Petty (1921-2000). But where is Leonard Petty (1924-2001)? If that is Leonard, where is Roy? Maybe the missing one is taking the picture.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nashville and Panama City


Yesterday, we had an evening social in our neighbor Jane’s carport.  I was offered a beer, which I took.  I think it loosened my tongue.   I told these two true stories:

In late May or early June, 1959, Marietta students went to Panama City.  To  yet be famous singer Billy Joe Royal wanted to go to be with his girlfriend Georgia.  His brother Jack, and Jack’s friend Charlie, and two others wanted to go too.  We had saved $30 so we pooled our money.  We had a total of $35. I don’t know why my parents allowed me to go but somehow I got to go.

In Panama City, we stayed in a cheap hotel for $8 s night, the name was Key of West Motel.  The room’s bathroom was also the bathroom for another room. 

We went to the beach and got all sunburned.  We met up with other friends and we all went back our room to get out of the hot sun and drink cheap beer.  Our friends had yet got a room, mainly because they had no money, so they stayed with us.  It was crowed so some of them used the adjoining room.  In the middle of the night a honeymoon couple rented the adjoining room.  They opened the door and a bunch of friends of our were all over the bed and floor, sunburned, so almost naked.  We were kicked out.  The owner wisely searched our suit cases and found 2 or 3 motel’s towels.

With no money and no place to sleep we drove to Valdosta, Ga to look up Billy Joe’s and Jack’s kinfolks.  They did not have enough room for all of us, so 2 or 3 of us went to their other uncle in Tifton, Ga.  That night the uncle and aunt in Tifton took us to the American Legion in Syvester, Ga. And we all got drunk.  I slept behind their house by a pond that night.

We went back to Valdosta.  Billy Joe played a lot of music on their piano and a guitar.  Their uncle was a member of a local band that played in a furniture warehouse weekly.  He invited Billy Joe to play with them.  That was Bily Joe Royal’s first singing gig.  

Billy Joe decided to stay and play with the band.  He was the one with the car.  Their mother, Mrs. Royal came and brought us back to Marietta.


Another true story I told in th carport last night:

In the Spring of 1963 I was to go into the Navy active duty soon.  I wanted one last fling before I went so a bunch of us went to the Grand Old Opry in Nashville.

We went in my Volvo, which my friends just fixed my brakes.  In the mountains between Chattanooga and Nashville going down a steep hill my brakes gave out.  Back then on state highways they had “runaway ramps”… which I’m sure saved our lives.  The same friends that installed my brakes were in the car so they fixed the brakes.

In Nashville we got a room almost next door to the Ryman Auditorium .  Before we went in to the concert we went Woolworths to eat.  We were sitting in a booth in the window when an old man in raggedy clothes with a guitar stood outside and watched us eat.  We motioned for him to come in, which he came in.  We bought him a dinner.  He told us he and Cowboy Kobus grew up together.  He said Cowboy Kobus told him if he was ever in Nashville he would put him on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.

We had balcony seats in the Opry.  We saw several big name stars sing, such as Patsy Cline and I forgot who else.  Then, in the aisle on the first floor I saw the old man in his dirty old raincoat and guitar wanting up the aisle towards the stage.  I told my friends, “Look!  Our buddy!”

Our buddy got only a few more steps and was blocked by ushers or security.  As they drug him off he hollered to Cowboy Kobus to let him up.  Cowboy Kobus went on with his routine without  even looking at his fold friend.

Afterwards we went to a bar named THE JUNGLE.  We made friends with the waitress name “Bunny”.  She told us to call her anytime.  Which we did the next morning and got to listen to her irate husband.


Shortly after that, maybe that same night or the next weekend night Cowboy Kobus and Patsey Cline  was killed in a plane wreck in Tennessee.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fun and Laughter in front of Krogers

Today at Kroger’s I parked in one of their Handi-capped places.  While I was parking two elderly* women were unloading their groceries from a shopping cart into their car.

When suddenly their cart started rolling away.  The tallest of the two elderly women started chasing it.  The other elderly woman broke out laughing.

As I was getting out of the car the taller lady retuned with the runaway shopping cart.  She ask me, “Did you see me chase this cart?  I did not know I could move that fast!”

I replied, “Yes, I saw it, that was funny.  What was even funnier (pointing to her friend) was she cackling laughing.”

They both cackled.

*They looked even older than me, and I’m 83.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Us Mountaineers Scavengers


About ten miles north of Dahlonega on Hwy 19 is a fork in the road. With a big pile of rocks or stones. The body of Indian Princess Trahyla is under those rocks. She lived nearby. She heard if she drunk a certain potion it was give her eternal life. Well, the proof is in the pudding. She is dead under a pile of rocks.
Also, Princess Trahyla started a fad. A new superstition that travelers traveling by, if they would throw a stone or pebble on the Princess’s grave they will eternal youth. Again?
If you stayed on Hwy 19 you would enter Union County and go over blood Mountain. On the way down you would cross over The Appalachian Trail, see Volge State Park, and finally reach Blairsville,.
If you took the left Fork you would be on Hwy 60. There you would so through the little town Suches, and next a bigger town, Morganton.
In 1960 I got drunk, or tipsy, with Billy and Buddy. And ended up spending the night at Buddy’s house, who lived on Page Street. I suppose I made arrangements with Larry to pick me up at their house. Larry and friends came and picked me up before midnight.
We had a plan.
Larry drove us through Dahlonega and turned left at Princess Trahlyla’s stone grave, went a couple more miles and pulled over.
On one side of us was a mountain and the other side was a cliff.
The bottom of the cliff was the root of our plan. Larry heard that at the bottom of that cliff were many smashed cars. He heard the locals would push their cars off the cliff at that point and then collect from their insurance policy. Larry figured there were probably some good auto parts we could salvage.
However, at that moment it was pitched black over the cliff. We would have to wait for daylight to come.
Anytime we had idle time Larry would build a fire. We looked around the edge of the woods and found kindling wood, logs, and all we needed. We built a big fire in the middle or the road. We figured no fool would be driving on it in he middle of the night.
We were sitting around the roaring fire talking and laughing when I thought I heard the distant noise of a truck engine. I called my friends attention to the noise. It was getting louder. Then we cold see two headlights going around curves not far away.
We decided the only thing we could do is run!
A big truck was upon us as we scattered. The driver did not even apply his brakes, he might have even stepped on the gas and plowed right through it. With burning logs rolling and red sparks flying up in the black air.
I don’t know why we didn’t get the heck out of there. But we didn’t.
When daylight came Larry pulled out long ropes and cables out of his trunk and we began to lower ourselves down on the ropes.
As I said, only a few hours before I was drunk. Now, I was dangling on a waving rope in midair. I got sick, my head started spinning and all I could do was hold on for dear life. I vomited.
Jenky was below me hanging on the same rope. My puke splattered on him. He hollered, but hung on. He did not see the humor in at that moment but later he did.
At the bottom of the cliff there were a few cars turned all which ways. But all he parts have been stripped. A bunch of crooks beat us to our plan.
Jenky died in a drag race a couple months later.
It also reminded me of an Atlanta Postal Maintenance guy named Mr. Wellborn. Mr. Wellborn worked at the Federal Annex in Atlanta. He was an air conditioner specialist. I was a clerk in the maintenance department for a few months. I was a clerk there when astronauts first made “One Step for Mankind” because we were all kidding saying such an elaborate present for my birthday.
Anyway, back to Mr. Welborn. He was from Blairsville and went there often to see his property. He also worked on my home air conditioner for several years I remember he was easy going and deeply religious.
One time on the way to see his property he pulled ovrer to admire the valley. He stood on the edge of a cliff admiring the view, God’s gift, when a car sped around the corner and couldn’t make the curve and hit Mr. Wellborn’s car, which hit Mr. Wellborn and off he cliff he fell. He lived, but narrowly. He retired after that.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Dick Day, Old Navy Friend


Out of curiosity and pure nosiness I googled my old Navy buddy Dick Day to find out what ever happened to him.
We were stationed at NAS Lakehurst, NJ, at Helo Squadron HU-4. He was the squadron's journalist and I worked almost next door at the Information and Education Office.
After we both got out about two years later I visited him and his wife Nancy at Harrisburg, Pennsyvania. I spent Saturday with him at the NBC radio station he manned for a few hours. Our friend Don Lash also came in and had a mini-reunion.
Another time he and Nancy visited us in Smyrna, Georgia. We showed them what we felt were the high lights of Atlanta.
Later that night, after bedtime, Scatzi, our Snauzer dog, decided to give births to her puppies, in bed with Dick and Nancy.
I have not heard from Dick in decades, not since we had kids, which is near 50 years ago
SAG-AFTRA member and WTOP news anchor Richard Day signed off for his final time on Sunday, January 27, 2013 as he journeys into retirement. He had been with WTOP since 1985, though his first job in radio was in 1958 in his hometown of York, Pennsylvania. He also worked at NBC in Washington, WCBM in Baltimore, and as a reporter/producer for syndicated television.
Richard Day
Day was also an accomplished musician and actor; he was in a band before he was old enough to drive, and worked in amateur theater before attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, where he trained in Shakespearean theater. While there, he was a page for CBS, before pursuing a career in advertising. But the world of broadcasting beckoned him back after a three year stint in the Navy.
Richard Day will be spending his retirement doing the things he loves, like playing tennis, skiing, reading, playing piano, and taking in concerts and the theater. Jim Farley, WTOP’s VP Programming, said in an email to the station that “Day is a Class Act and I will sorely miss his quiet professionalism.”
We wish him the best in this next chapter in life, and congratulate Day on his retirement

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Don't get me started.

 We went by the Cobb County Water Department to pay my late sister's water bill.  We are still sorting things out and told the lady at the window we still need the water, and wanted to pay it is person instead of losing it in the mail.

She more or less said, "Postal delivery?  Don't get me started!"

Saturday, September 14, 2024



A couple weeks ago on TV we watched a special on Elizabeth Tayor.  It looked at her marriages some of her movies.  It had a few scenes from the movie GIANT.  GIANT is a movie about Texas, cattle and oil and Texas habits.  James Dean is in it.  It was James’ last movie.  He was killed in an auto wreck before if was completed, but somehow the editors and producers worked around that.

It reminded me of TRUMP Magazine and its satire on the GIANT.  They called it GIANTS.  TRUMP Magazine was a satire magazine published by Hugh Hefner, publisher of PLAYBOY.  It lasted only 2 issues.  TRUMP Magazine was Harvey Kutzman who earlier created MAD Comicbook.

TRUMP Magazine was in no way connected to Donald Trump, except the name.

Here is TRUMP Magazine’s GIANTS movie.  Story by Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Georgia’s own Jack Davis.

Go West, Young Pettys!


John Franklin and Adeline Woody Petty. John is the son of Elijah Petty and Sarah Parker. Adeline is the daughter of Conrad Raburn and Elizabeth Hunt Woody. Adeline was born in Fannin Counry, Georgia, 1859 and John was born in the same county in 1856.
They were married 1881 in Fannin County. They had ten children.
Here is the only note I have about John:
John received the bulk of his father's estate.
In the book "PROGESSIVE MEN OF WYOMING" They moved to Sand Creek, Laromie County, Wyoming in 1887. Later owning a farm on the Wheatland Flats.
- Gary Griswold
Here is a far fetched thought: John Petty is the brother Daniel Webster Petty. Daniel Webster Petty is the father of William Elijah Joseph Petty (my mother's father). William Elijah Joseph was also born in Fannin County. William Elijah Joseph Petty moved his family to Gillette, Wyoming for a few years. I wonder if Wm Elijah Joseph was aware his uncle John lived in the same state? And if so, is that why he moved there?

Friday, September 13, 2024

Kudzu, Cactus, Rabbits, & Squirrels

 In our college biology class the professor gave a lecture that essentially said this: When the British took over Australia an officer’s wife brought cacti to decorate the back yard with plants. The cacti took over the country side. Why, because there is no natural enemy to cactus in Australia. To get the cacti under control they imported in rabbits to eat it, which got it under control. But the rabbits had no natural enemy, so the country side had too many rabbits. Then they imported snakes to take care of the rabbits and then…..” guess what?

Georgia had a similar problem. The farmers were having a hard time with erosion. Good fertile soil was hard to keep in one place with heavy storms and all. Some genius (?) suggested they plant Kudzu. It was deep rooted and keep the good soil from being washed away. Georgia bought Kudzu from Japan and planted it. Guess what? It had no natural enemy and got out of control, I took this picture only one mile from our house about 25 to 30 years ago.
Problem solved! The Kudzu is no longer there. A subdivision is in its place. Humans need housing, roads, ball fields, tennis courts. Yep, they found the natural enemy: Humans

Thursday, September 12, 2024



Remember when you were a kid and you broke your arm, got a deep cut, or got a black-eye you wanted to show it off in a subtle way, like “nothing to it!”? I know I did. This picture was my Navy friend Don Lash, on the outside stairs of our Navy baracks showing me his blackeye he received the night before.
How it happened, we were station at NAS LAKEHURST, NJ 08733*, deep in the winter, literally snowed in. No one could come or go.
People were getting stir-crazy and cabin fever.
We couldn’t leave the base, even if they said we may, we still couldn’t. Too much snow.
But we could walk to the EM Cllub!
Back in the near mid 1960s all bars, it seemed, had video jukeboxes. The EM Club was no exceptions.
The EM Club was full of drunk people. Many was irritable too. It seemed the Marines were louder and more irritable. One Marine were really dancing to the rock and roll music wildly. We started imitating him. One of his friends saw us and punched him and pointed to us.
Mind-set he rushed over to us and smiling Don complemented him on his music moves. Then the guy floored him.
That’s All Folks!
*08733! Every time I type Lakehurst, NJ, I automatically type the zip code 08733. This is me bragging that I still remember the zip code there.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ava Pearl Prance 1890-1915


Ava Pearl Prance (1890-1915). She lived only about 25 years. She is the daughter of James Marion Prance

Monday, September 09, 2024

3 Legged Andy and Nancy Pannell Morris


From Marie's Picture collection: Andy and Nannie Pannell Morris. Nannie is sister to Mary Jane Pannell Prance. It looks like Andy lost a leg

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sarah Moody Tyson

 This is a blog post that I posted in 2006. Because last Saturday we were at Conn's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, in Ball Ground, Ga., Sarah Moody's old stomping grounds, pull it up out of the archives, just for breath of fresh air. And to spruce up the editing of it:

This tin-type is my great-great grandmother Sarah C. Moody Tyson (1815-1895). She was born in South Carolina and died in Cherokee County, Georgia. She was the second of ten children of Allen Nancy Murphy Moody. I think she spent her formative years in Ball Ground, Cherokee County, Ga.
She married Robert Cabel Tyson (1821-1864) on September 3, 1843, and they had eight children.
She looks like she may have been Indian.
Ball Ground was named Ball Ground because it was where the Indians met to played ball. Now it is a place to go unique restaurants and go antiquing.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Magazine #24 Veracryz

Story by editor Harvey Kurtzman and art by Georgia's own Jack Davis

Boy Scout Camping & Tree Tricks


Boy Scout Camp, Troop 132. Camping out at George and Mike Hobby's daddy's property he bought off Macland Road.
Left to Right: Mickey Griffin, ?, Me, and Tony Hester.
That was the night George Hobby raised my sleeping bag up on a flag pole and blasted it with a shotgun. .... all, in good old boy fun.
Mickey Griffin was a fun loving kid. He used to walk around with me and my dog named Skipper when I delivered The Atlanta Journal newspapers and we do all kinds of mischievous tricks.
When I think of Tony Hester I remember the time I was showing him and Gene Sanges a trick I learned: climb up one small tree, and at the top get it swinging and when it swung wide enough I could gracefully grab an identical size and type tree, latch on to it and artfully shinny down the tree. I already did it twice alone, now I was ready to show off for an audience. I got Tony and Gene down at the bottom watching me and I skillfully climbed the tree near the top and got it swinging back and forth like I did two other times. That is the last thing I remembered for several hours, the tree top broke and I fell to the ground and was knocked out. Tony thought I was playing a joke and went home and got his wagon and came back and he and Gene put me in the wagon and carried me to his back yard where his two little sisters Peggy and Lulu were playing with their dolls. Tony told me if I didn't get up he was going to take off my clothes. I didn't get up and they took off my clothes. Then they thought I was dead. They put me back in the wagon (naked) and carried me home, over a block away. Nobody was at home so they left me in my bed an left.
Later my parents came home and was startled to see me in bed in the middle of the day, naked, and I had no idea why.
The lightening in that picture looks something like the Blair Witch Project doesn't it?

Friday, September 06, 2024

John & Lizzy Hawkins Huey


John and Lizzy Hawkins Huey. John is the son of my (and my Hunter 1st cousins) g-great grandparents John T. and Drucilla Wilson Huey. The Hueys lived on and near Carmel-Bascomb Road in south Cherokee County, Georgia.
It looks like John and Lizzy just got caught smooching behind the barn doesn't it?

Thursday, September 05, 2024


I am  beginning to check out Podcasts some while I walk.  I just finished listening (3 days of walking) to a Podcast apparently comedian Drew Friedman is the captain, or M.C. or whatever.  In the PODCAST section on my phone I searched for Harvey Kurtzman.  Who is Harvey Kurtzman?  Harvey created MAD Comicbook and I have been a life time fan, since the 7th grade.  Harvey died in 1993 at age 68.HH]H

The Podcasf I listened had Drew Friedman, Al Jaffee, and Dick DeBartolo.  Harvey died in 1993 at age 68.  In the 90 minute or so PODCAST Harvey was mentioned a couple of times but it was mostly a conversation of MAD artists Drew Friedman, Al Jaffee, and      MAD writer Dick DeBartolo.  It was very educational of what went on behind  the scenes.  MAD artist Will Elder was mentioned also.

I enjoyed it all but the horse laughing.