
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Paul Everett & Myrtle Irene Jones Foster Family Group


Note- Paul was a teacher and a Singer Sewing Machine and Singer Repairman.  After he died his wife Irene continued his Singer repair work.




Speaking of Easter, have you ever been to Atlantic City’s Board Walk on Easter Morning for the Easter Parade?  I have, when I was stationed in New Jersey.  It is very enjoyable.

Speaking of being on Atlantic City’s Boardwalk, we were there again on August 27, 1964.  We were outside the Democratic Convention grand party whenT hey picked Lyndon B. Johnson as their presidential candidate.  It was LBJ’s birthday.  As a special treat with expert fireworks technician  they had a portrait of LBJ in fireworks over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  He and Lady Bird came out on a balcony of the Convention Hall and approved of his portrait and waved at us jeering common folks.  We waved back.

That same night, walking back to the parking lot in the dark, we saw a gang chase down someone with a sign and started whipping on him and the police suddenly materialized and broke it up.


Me, Selfie, My Dark Side

Posted on Facebook 8 years ago: 

This is what might be called "An Unintentional Selfie" It shows my dark side.


 This was originally in HELP Magazine.  It was written by Ed Fisher of slick magazines fame and illustrated by Will Elder, and inspired by Al Capp.

Ancestry Baseball


The Braves are about to start playing baseball in their new home, Sun Trust Park in Cobb County.
While we are on the subject here is Anna's grandfather Paul Everett Foster (1895-1936) in his baseball uniform, about 1916, on the right.

Wm Luther nd Lillie Mae Dyman Foster

I posted on Facebook 8 years ago

 Anna's great uncle William Luther Foster (1879-1941) and his second wife Addie Dryman (1879-1963). His first wife (not pictured) was Lillie Mae Cook (1884-1904). Lille Mae is buried at Midway Methodist Church between Alpharetta and Cumming. He went by Luther. Luther is Anna's mother's father's brother.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Before Elderly Crusted Over

 My sister Frances and I, before we grew old.

Genealogy, Here we go!


Cousins,  I am trying something new.  I have doing genealogy research since 1975.  I am getting old,  Before it gets too late I want to share what I have found.  I think the best way to do this is to put it on my blog hopefully in a methodical way.  It will take a while to shovel all this to be available.   It will not be everyday, but the good thing it will not go away, it will wait on you.

So hopefully in time all that I have found researching will find its way on the Chicken-fat blog.

Unless the novelty wears off.

Look at the next blog entry:

The Family Group Sheet of Frank Paris & Minnie Victoria Tyson Hunter

 The Family Group of Frank Paris and Minnie Tyson Hunter

Wedding Day21 Dec 1899

Easter, Years Ago, Hunter Siblings & Cousins

Gramdpa Frank & Grandma Minnie Tyson Hunter's front yard, Manget Street, Marierrta, Ga.  Lolagene. Bee. Liz, Kasandra,Vickie, Eddie, &  Frances  I think these two was taken on Easter c1945-46.

Not Close Enough For a Claim to Fame

 Years ago i bought the book THE HERITAGE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY, GEORGIA (1831-1998). The bulk of the book are little family essays of families in Cherokee County. It has a lot of genealogy information. As a matter of fact, I wrote two of the articles. Now that I updated my Family Tree Maker genealogy program I am re-reading the book to see if I missed something, which I am finding I did. This morning for instance, I found that I am related to a member of the famed FYING TIGERS aviators of WWII. Lt. Col. Orlando Waller Wood, Jr. and I are both descended from Eugene Hargraves Tyson and Elizabeth Huey Tyson. He is a little too distant relative for a claim to fame, but interesting anyway.

All reactions

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Hunter Brothers


August 1977 - My dad (Ed Hunter) and my mom and my dad's brothers and their wives: L to R: Bus & Zema; Ed & Janie; Jack & Ruby; Doug & Lola Jean; Stanley & Sarah; and Dick & Jeanette Hunter. The oldest brother, Herbert Hunter had died the year before and the only sister Beatrice "Bee" Hunter Crain had died in 1971. Their brother Walter Clarence "W.C." Hunter was in the Veterans' Hospital at the time. Johnny Hunter once pointed out that they always lined up in chronological age order. This time they are oldest on the left and work to younger on down the line. I guess they just automatically did it, I took the picture and I didn't tell them to do it

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Mary the Wave and Don


I was asleep in my rack (lower bunk) in our cubical for four, at HU-4 Barracks at NAS Lakehurst, NJ. When I thought I dreamed of distant voices.  One of voicers was female.  I woke up and sitting on the edge of my rack was Mary the Wave and my friend and co-worker Don.  It wasn’t a dream, they were real.  They were partly drunk, they just left the E.M. Club.  Mary was a female, she was not suppose to be in an all men’s barracks.

I say Mary was female.  I guess that was a matter of opinion.  She jokingly said if we saw a pretty lady she would race us to meet her first.

I don't think she ever actually spoke to me, I was just something in the background.

I like this story about Don and Mary the Wave

One night at the E.M. Club Don and Mary in a deep conversation and Mary had a point to make but she had to go to the head (bathroom).  She insisted Don go with her so she could continued with her point she was trying to make.

In the John (head/bathroom) Don said by the sound effects behind the stall door he could tell and smell she also had a healthy bowel movement.

After she finished and they opened the head door a S.P. was standing there waiting.  He checked their I.D.s and told them to get into the gray Naval van, which they did.

Instead of turning left to the Security building he turned right to long dark road towards the air field.

Down the dark road, the S.P. pulled over and told Don to drive and he got in the back with Mary.

He could hear her curse the S.P. and a lot of slapping.

Don asked himself why was he doing this?  He stopped the van, got out and begin walking back from he direction he came.

What he did not realize he parked in the middle of an airfield.

Another gray van with its emergency lights flashing sped by him towards the parked van.

Nothing was ever mentioned.  

Alls well that ends well.

Dr Alfred Charles Hunter

 Posted on Facebook 8 years afo:

Alfred Charles Hunter (1891-1973) is the son of Charles Jefferson and Letha Victoria Dobbs Hunter. Alfred was the only son of seven children of both Charles' marriages.

This is a picture of him at Atlanta Medical School, which became Emory. He studied to be a dentist.
After he got his degree he moved to Texas where he practiced dentistry in the Kerrville, Texas area, where he died.
He married Mamie "May"Akridge (1892-1933). Mary died in Antonio , Texas.
They had one son, he also became a dentist:
Dr. Akridge Charles Hunter (1917-1997). He married Helen Crane (1920-2003). For several years they attended the Hunter Reunion in Marietta. He died in Houston and she died in Richmond, Virginia.
They had three daughters.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Adam Flashing His Dimples

Posted on Facebook 8 years ago:

 DON'T YOU SHINE THOSE DIMPLES AT ME! I heard that a teacher told my son Adam Hunter one time. That was his defense weapon, "Cuteness" and he used it. The picture is about 30 years old and my heart still warms up when I see it.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Minnie Tyson Hunter & her Kids c1916

 Looking at some old photos I think I found something interesting: Look at the below photo: Left to right, Robert "Bus" Hunter, the mother Minnie Tyson Hunter, my daddy Edwin "Ed" Hunter, and the last, W.C. (Walter Clarence) Hunter.

Now, backup and look at my daddy Ed Hunter again. He looks very much like my two sons Adam and Rocky at that age.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Rabbits, Jake, Empty Beer Cans


Pardon me while I ramble about a time period in my formative years:

I think I was about 9 or 10.  To get home sometimes walking from downtown Marietta one of my short cuts was from Clay Street up Sycamore Street hill, down the hill to East Dixie Avenue then through a few backyards then to our backyard.

When I walked pass the house facing Clay Street but the driveway was on Sycamore sometimes there was an old man sitting in a wheelchair on the front porch.  The old man spoke one time and from then on we carried on a two sentences at a time conversation.  He knew my Hunter uncles.  I don’t think I knew it at the time but my uncle W.C. Hunter was born on Clay Street, across from the house they lived in.

The lady of the house would wave at me whenever she saw me.  One time the guy in the wheelchair saw me coming and hollered for the woman.  She came out to the porch to speak to me when I got closer.

She asked me how would I like to help her out and do some manual labor for her one full day and in return she would give me a pet rabbit.

She had plenty of rabbits in cages.

I helped her move cages around and shoveled some manure in her garden.

When the day was over she told me to pick out a rabbit, which I did.

I did not tell my parents about my deal, thinking they might disapproved. 

I carried the rabbit home and hid it in my room.  When bedtime came I lifted the hare up in bed with me.

The next morning when Mama woke me up for breakfast she saw me sleeping in bed with the rabbit surrounded by rabbit pellets.  She did not like that at all.

I am not sure but I think that was the time I decided to raise rabbits.  A friend of mine also had a rabbit so we had the two rabbits spend the night together.

This must have been the same time period we went to visit my cousin Faye Hunter Rogers and her husband Frank Rogers.  Frank owned a service station on Roswell Road.  They lived on Bells Ferry Road, almost across the road from Bells Ferry Elementary School.  They also had a rabbit farm.

Then we got there they were not home.  We saw them down the street at Jake Medford’s Store.  At the store Frank was dressed in long-handled underwear coming out the store, Faye was in their car laughing.  Frank was paying off an election bet.

Speaking of Jake Medford, one time the KKK burned a cross in front of his business, I have no idea why.

Our rabbit had the babies and they died.

A few years later when we were driving age Jake Medford was where we bought beer on the way to the lake.

We jokingly said Jake had a very strict age requirement for buying beer:  You had to be tall enough to slide your money across the counter.

I did not know it then but Jake Medford is a relative, through the Tyson Family.

When we bought beer at Medford’s store we popped  open as we left the parking lot. From there we always went to Victoria Landing at Lake Allatoona.

We finished the first can up Bells Ferry Road a few miles  We tossed the empty cans out the window about the same area, well, exactly the same yard each time.

One day the owner was hiding in the yard and when we tossed the cans he stepped out from behind a tree with a gun, took aim and shot.  And missed.

We quit throwing beer cans out of windows after that.

Again, I did not know it until I got into genealogy, the family that lived there, and still do I think are Hunter in-laws.  A daughter from that family married a Hunter cousin, 3 times removed.

That was when we were young and foolish.  We don’t do that anymore.


Jerry Hunter Eternally

 Posted on Facebook 6 years ago:

Bus, Zelma, and Jerry Hunter Tuesday I was given a copy of a portrait of my uncle and aunt Bus (1906-2005) and Zelma Ogle (1909-1999) Hunter . In this portrait they look like they have already survived their son Jerry, a pilot, being shot down in Vietnam (1966)
Jerry was one month older than I. Now, he is eternally 25.

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Comicbook #23

Art by Wallace Wood and text by editor Harvey Kurtzman.  Incidentally, by the way, this is the first story of the last MAD comicbook.  Afterwards, they progressed (or regressed)g to MAD Magazine. 


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Spring's Pink Dogwoods

 Have you heard the theory that if you put 100 monkeys in front of 100 keyboards and teach them to pound on the keys, the chances are one of them one day will probably type something great and profound.

So, with that theory in mind, I take plenty of pictures. I do not claim that I am a good photographer, but I take so many pictures the odds are working in my favor that one of them every once in a while might be good.
This is the case of this first picture I taken about 1976 of the pink dogwood trees lining a driveway on West Paces Ferry Road in Atlanta.
The second picture is a postcard I think it is of the same driveway.
I like mine better.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Me at the Plains, Ga Book Signing Table

 This the book signers' table. The two photographers were book ending the writer/editor Bobby Buccellato. Bobby and the other photographer signed with pens. I signed with a magic marker, they were out of crayons. My autograph is thick and boldly black, much bigger and bolder than the other two. Think of John Hancock.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

My Pictures in Plains, Ga Book

 In November 1976, after Jimmy Carter was elected President, Anna and I drove down to Plains, Georgia. I took a lot of pictures of the town. I took on the role of a rude unscrupulous prying paparazzi photographer.

About 30 years later when I started my blog Chicken-fat in a desperate search for material I remembered my Plains pictures and published them on the blog. There are some pictures of Mrs. Lillian Carter signing autographs; some of Billy Carter; and some buildings. Actually, just after I took a picture of Billy in his vehicle he shot me a bird- he caught me with my camera down.... I miss the best shots sometimes.
Arcadia Press is releasing a book about Plains, and Jimmy Carter. The editor, Bobby Buccallato searched and found my Plains pictures on Chicken-fat. He emailed me and asked for permission to use some of them in his book and I said sure.
Today the book JIMMY CARTER IN PLAINS will be released. The launching site is the Carter Center in Atlanta this evening. We were asked to be there. We probably will. Here are some of the pictures of Billy and his service station, and Miss Lillian.