
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ed Hunter Pedigree


I am experimenting.   I am attempting to put my family’s genealogy pedigree diagram up, one page at a time.  Since I am starting with my father, Ed Hunter so I think he next pedigree will start at the last Hunter line on the present sheet.  Well, for a few times this will be probably by a series of mistakes or maybe the novelty of it will run short and I wander off and try something else.

This post is on my Facebook and blog page (  I will probably end up just using my blog,

You might have to click onto the graph to make it larger and readable.

Happy Birthday Terry Crowder, Wherever you are!


Happy Birthday Terry Crowder!  My cousin, David  Terrance Crowder, 1st cousin,  twice removed was born February 29, 1944.  He was born on Leap Day.   Unfortunately his father lost his life  4 months later  in the D-Day Invasion in Normandy, France.

We use to play together when he and his mother came to town.

Terry’s mother, Frances Marie O’Connor remarried a heir of a frozen food company, so I heard.

I have not seen Terry since 1999 when he attended the funeral and burial of his father’s sister Evelyn Crowder.




(MAD comicbook, Jack Davis artist)

Brother Will


Brother Will

At the Atlanta Post Office Time Keeper Office I worked with a guy I  call “Brother Will”.  He was amazing.  Some days he had me spitting mad and other days crackling up laughing.    

I read It is food brain pushups or exercise to recall details of your past.  So, here goes.

Brother Will was very good dresser, casual, laid back, and never got upset.   He and his wife, which I know also, are the parents of nine daughters.  I don’t know about the first eight daughters but I know he was not at the hospital when the 9th daughter was born.  He was playing poker.

That’s Will, never getting upset.

Before Will became a Postal Employee he was in the Army for 20 years.  I think his last assignment  was at West Point Military Academy , upstate New York. There, he had a part-time job with the Officers’ Club as a aiter.

He was very pride of the way he delivered a freshly cooked steak to the diner’s table sizzling.  “It is the way you smear the butter; the sizzling makes it a dramatic event.”

One time he, a guy name WAP, and I operated a timekeepers’ booth at a remote parcel post annex in the North part Atlanta.   He was on the midnight tour and I relieved him in the morning.  I remember one time I walked in our little booth and it smelled like farts.  Lots of farts.  I said, “Whew!” 

He laughed and said I caught him cooking eggs.  How could one not laugh at that?

Brother Will had an excellent speaking voice.  He had a part time gig on WAOK Radio Station of Atlanta.  He had regular hours but at times he had to stay on the air longer.

One time he was out two days, called in sick.  But he was on the air during that time.  A person in upper management thought he had him.  They had him giving news, weather, and time during the time he should have been at work.

They thought they “Had Him.”  However, did I mention Bother Will was a smooth talker?   And a slippery one at that. 

One time all the time keepers, about 36 of us had to do something new, I forgot what.  We all fussed and griped.  All but Brother Will. 

He said, “Its just something to do, man.”

That “It’s just something to do.”  Changed my outlook on things.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024



Yesterday when I was getting our mail from our mailbox, I noticed two small turds at the base of it.  I think a small  dog probably took a dump there.

Later with a plastic bag, I returned to the mailbox.  The feces were no longer there. 

I think another unleashed dog came by and ate it.

Now, that is teamwork!

Jack Davis Not Usual Seen Art

 J. Davis ‘spot’ drawings from Harvey Kurtzman’s HELP mag, issue #8, March 1961…post these since they are not the usually seen Davis art.

Snappy Sammy Handy Tips

 By my late friend underground artist Skip Williamson

Monday, February 26, 2024


 I went a few days without shaving. Accidentally, I saw my face in a mirror. IT was surprising to see myself looking like a shaggy old man. I decided to shave. After I shaved I told Anna I looked like a young boy, as I hobbled away with my cane.

I would tell you what Anna said but by law that is confidential.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Hunters on Manget Street, war time break

  About 1942 at the Hunter house on Manget Street, as they are in these pictures::  Jimmy Crain, Frank Hunter, Bobby Crain, Doug Hunter, Dick Hunter, Minne Tyson Hunter, Jimmy Crain, Frank Hunter, Bobby Crain, Doug Hunter, Dick Hunter, Stanley Hunter, Bobby Crain, Stanley Hunter, Dick Hunter, and Jimmy Crain.


I just finished a very interesting section of UNCLE JOHN’S SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR   bathroom reader book about a nephew t of Adolf Hitler, Adolf’s brother’s son.

While Hitler’s was rising to power and invading countries his nephew William Hitler had a hard time keeping a job.  England was his home but when his employers found out he was the nephew of Adolf he was fired.

His uncle Adolf told him to join up or get out, or words to those effect. 

Needless to say, he and his uncle disagreed on politics.

William came to America and joined the U.S. Navy as a medic, where he was wounded.

He and his wife changed their surname and settled in a small town on Long Island, NY.  They had four sons who run a landscaping business now. 

William died in the 1990s.

Free the Prince!

 This evening on television we were watching another installment of QUEEN VICTORIA. We wondered what was Queen Victoria’s husband name?

We could not think of his name.
Anna said a pipe tobacco was named after him.
When I heard that I knew immediately said “PRINCE ALBERT!”
I did not know the Prince’s name for scholarly reasons, but I do know pranks:
Calling grocery store:
“Hello, Big Apple Grocery!”
“Do you have PRINCE ALBERT in the can?”
“I’ll be right back!”
A few minutes late:
“Yessir, we have Prince Albert in the can!”
“Well, let him out, he might smother!”

Saturday, February 24, 2024

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Comicbook #22, Artist Will Elder Continued -

 This story drawn by Artist Will Elder was originally in MAD Comicbook #2

Troy Street, Chicago

Posted on Facebook years ago: 

On Chicago PD a couple weeks ago while looking over a Chicago map doing police work Troy Street was pronounced.

Hey! I know Troy Street! My Navy buddy Don lived on Troy Street in Chicago. I visited two or three times there. He lived with his siblings and his parents. His father, Bruno, worked on the railroads. He and a competing crew were have bb guns fights across the railroad yards, from train car to train car. He got his eye put out by a bb shot, all in clean fun, of course.
I had a Triumph on one of my Chicago trips. Don’s brother Mike, a Chicago Cop gave me an official Chicago Parking ticket for being double parked on Troy Street, all in clean fun, of course.
Don’s mother’s name was Helen. Helen and her next door neighbor once tried to kill each other with their gardening tools. All in clean fun, of course.
All rea

4 Generations of Hunters

 From left to right. My great grandfather William A. Hunter (1842 - 1928). William was born in Macon County, North Carolina, and died in Cherokee County, Georgia. He fought in the Civil War and was shot in the knee during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in 1864. He recuperated in a private home near Woodstock, Georgia. After he tried being in a cowboy in Texas, he returned to Woodstock, Georgia, with his family to live. He knew he had friends there. He grew up with the name William A. Trammell, married with that name and fought in the Civil War with that name, but because he was involved in a murder he changed his name to William A. Hunter - but that is a long story.

Harold Herbert Hunter (1901-1976). My uncle, and grandson of William A. Hunter. Herbert was born in Cherokee County, Georgia, and died in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia. He owned Hunter's Barber Shop and one time an airfield on Austell and Hurt Roads in Cobb County. He loved to fish.
Harold Ray Hunter (1923 - 1991). Ray being held by his father Herbert, is my first cousin. Ray was in WWII. He settled in New Jersey where he worked or a utility company. He retired in Marietta.
Frank Paris Hunter (1879-1950). My grandfather, Herbert's father, and son of William A. Hunter. Frank was born in Paris, Texas, grew up Cherokee County, Georgia, and spent most his adult years in Marietta, Georgia, as a machinist. He worked for Glover Machinery. We lived with him his last couple of years and got to know him well. He taught me to ride a bike. He once saved my life when my pajamas caught on fire in front of the fireplace.
The is a good example how historical events are just a jump and a leap in the past. In the picture, all but William was alive in my lifetime.
William, my great grandfather fought in the Civil War.
William's great grandfather, also named William Trammell, fought in the Revolutionary War.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Boston in-laws

 Marietta. Atlanta Street. John Boston House (Mrs. Boston on right). Built in the late 1840s by Bostwick Brothers.

The Boston family are Trammell's in-laws.

Fleta Barclay Trammell (1870-1956), daughter of Leander Newton and Zenobia Barclay Trammell, married Frank Mackey Boston, 5 Oct 1893, Marietta, Ga.  Frank Mackey Boston was the son of John Hoouse, Jr and Sallie Mellisa Brown Boston.  Leander Newton Trammell was the president of Georgia Railway Sysrem and he and his family had the Trammell House on Trammell Stree in Marietta built.

Frank was nephew of Georgia Govenror  Joseph E. Brown.


Gene & Parks, 2014


Brothers Gene and Parks Groover.  Parks died not long ago.  Gene is a retired Geogia State Patrolman.  Parks was a part owner of Marietta Lightening Company, which was in the old Sears Store on Atlanta Street. 

Gene settled with his family in Dalton, Georgia. 

Several years ago Gene  built a houseboat.  He and a fiend took a voyage in the houseboat up or down one of the rivers in North Georgia that lasted days.

Parks settled in Waleska, Geogia, and ran a horse farm.

I took this picture at the Bell Reunion 2014.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Reminds me of


These picture of Dusty Hoffman and Laurence reminds me of the time in a hospital waiting room talking to a lady that just asked me who was I waiting on and behind her was a young man making faces at her back without her aware of it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Rocky, Jimmy Carter, and Sabrina

 Rocky and Jimmy Carter have October the 1st in common.

Rocky, Jimmy, and Sabrina

How Frank Paris Hunter got his middle name

 According to Uncle John's Bathroom Page-A-Day Calendar, 2018, Tuesday, Feb 20, 2018: Paris, Texas, was founded in 1844, when a farmer, storekeeper, and postmaster, donated 50 acres of land to establish the town. The town was named after the general store, the busiest store in town. Why the owner named the store Paris, no one knows.

There is a 70 foot Eiffel Tower replica wearing a cowboy hat in town.
Also, that is believed to be where our grandfather Frank Paris Hunter was born in 1879. Also, 1879 is the year Frank's family left Texas to move back East. I think they had plans of moving back to Franklin, North Carolina, Frank's father William A. Hunter's hometown, but had second thought, maybe because he was wanted for murder in Franklin, and instead moved to the Woodstock, Georgia, area, where William recuperated from a knee wound where he was shot during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Frank was probably named after where they were leaving and where they thought they were going.

2 Tower Roads, Never More


This picture is one I took of Atherton Place,  an assistant living behind Wellstar Hospital on Tower Road.  I took this picture on about ten years ago.  I heard one of the bennies of being a resident  there was getting membership in all the exercise programs at Wellstar physical next door.  But please make sure, don’t use this hearsay paragraph as proof.

Interesting  and tragically about 40 or 50 years ago someone called 911, for someone having a heat-attack on Tower Road.  The ambulance drove quickly to Tower Road and could not find the address given.  The person having the heart attack died.


Because there were two Tower Roads in Marietta.  One was behind the hospital, a block away from the hospital and the other Tower Road was about 4 or 5 miles away, off of Pete Shaw Road.  The heart attack occurred  at Atherton Place on the Tower Road, next door to the ER.

The problem has been solved.  The Tower Road miles away, off Pete Shaw Road,  name has been renamed to Indian Town Road. 

That is like closing the barn door after the milk cow had done ran away. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

R.I.P. Mrs Clare Foster Nesmith



I just read in the obituaries my high school science teacher Mrs. Nesmith had died.  Clare Foster Nesmith was born July 31, 1928, 3rd of four siblings, in Dallas, Georgia, to Elizabeth Cordelia Watson Foster and Clarence Stead Foster.   She was married to Edgar Arlo Nesmith, Jr., and survived by her daughter Rev. E. Clare Nesmith. 

Mrs. Nesmith was a very gentle person that always had a kind smiling positive attitude  when communicating with someone face to face.  With one exception, that I know of:

The time she saw my bare left arm and hand was covered with ballpoint pen cartoons.  She sent me to the restroom to wash off my art.  I deserved her wrath.

Her husband was also a high school teacher.  When they were teachers, they lived in Pine Forest Apartments. 

Olympic Flame, Holding

 Our daughter in law Sabrina (dark coat right) and her husband Rocky (our son) held the Olympic Torch.

Monday, February 19, 2024


 All over the South back in the day:

And Away We Went!


Today, while watching Georgia’ s Public TV FORK IN THE ROAD, a Georgia town was mentioned where there is a lot of peanut farming.  I heard of the town and felt I had been there.  I went online to look at a Geogia map.

Looking at various town names I was reminded one town that a bunch of us had a memorable moment in the middle of the night:

That was before expressways. 

We were headed to Daytona after graduation in May `1969..  We got lost someplace in mid to south Georgia.  Some of us  had a few beers on the way down.

We drove through a little town and the kid that had a few beers had to pee.  He asked the driver to pull over.  The driver pulled over on main street in front of a little park.  The drinker could use a tree.

When he was getting back into the car a policeman with a dog on a leash walked by and said something like “Good Morning.”  Then we asked the policeman how to get back on the right road  to take us to Daytona.  He leaned his head in the window and was giving us directions and he suddenly interrupted himself and said, ”Are those beer cans in the floor board?”

We were all under the legal age so the driver started the car and we sped off.  I reminded the driver the  guy peeing was left behind.  We drove around the block and came up behind the policeman and his dog chasing our friend.  We pulled up behind the friend, opened the door and told him to dive in, which he did.

And we fled into the night.


Saturday, February 17, 2024

Paul & Myrtle's Proofs

 Proofs. Anna's grandparents, her mother's parents Paul Everett Foster (1895-1936) and Myrtle Irene Jones (1895-1991).

They are dated 1919. They were married May 21, 1919. The pictures, I'm sure the pictures had something to do with that, either before or after.

Be sure and click on the picture to see the images better.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Casper & Gracie, the Friendly Ghosts


Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah, Georgia.  This is Gracie’s plot.  Gracie died as a young girl.  Her parents managed a large hotel in Savannah.  It is said that Gracie’s spirit would play in the hotel’s corridors with the hotel’s guests’ kids.  I took these pictures about 2008.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Hunters on Waterman Street C1916

 These are the early Hunters of Marietta.. This picture was taken on Waterman Street, about two blocks from the Square. My father was born in the house on the left in 1911. He is the youngest in the picture, the picture was probably taken in 1914. I suspect that is why Minnie is behind everybody, to hide her pregnancy with Jack. W.C. was the first born in Marietta., in 1908. They moved from Cherokee County, between 1906 and 1908.

First row, the first kid on the left is my dad Ed Hunter. Next to him is Walter Clarence "W.C." Hunter.
Second row: Robert Ray "Bus", Beatrice Elizabeth "Bee", Harold Herbert, and their father Frank Paris Hunter.
Behind everybody looking lovingly at her husband Frank is Minnie Victoria Tyson Hunter.
Four more brothers, Jack, Doug, Stanley, and Dick had yet to be born.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Not exactly a romantical NJ Chicken Farmer

 This is a Valentines Story, sort of:

The next town north of where our Navy base was in Lakehurst, New Jersey, is Lakewood. It had a theater we went to and a bookstore, and several bars. It was less than ten miles away.
Off the main street, down a couple of blocks was a bad neighborhood. It looked like it may have been a high crime area. There on one side of the street was a bar we named BAR X. BAR X was a seedy looking bar, that all the patrons looked like they were up to no good.
Across the street from BAR X was another seedy looking Bar, which we named BAR Z. If we were just visiting it in today's time, we would probably name it BAR XXX. The place had a few prostitutes hanging out and at the door was a big black woman that always seemed to be at the entrance who always tried to impress new comers with her song she made up "Play with my Box and I'll suck your Cock!" I don't know how she did it, but Box and Cock rhymed.
Another bar in the Lakewood area we found interesting was a few miles south of town. It was a rural bar that mostly farmers hung out at. Video juke boxes were just becoming popular in bars, they were cheap entertainment.
One evening I drove into Lakewood by myself to go to a movie. My friends had duty. After the movie on the way back to the base I stopped by the rural bar to have a drink.
The joint was crowded. The only seat available was at the bar by a woman that was sitting by a man, who I found out soon enough the man was her husband.
She whined to me that her husband would not dance with her. He was a chicken farmer and believed in working all the time. It was their 25th anniversary and he was not going "get out there and make of fool out myself" he said.
I jokingly said, "Aww come on! Twenty five years, celebrate! dance with her!"
He never smiled. He turned around and looked me up and down and said, "You dance with her Butter Ball!"
I laugh jokingly.
He said, "I mean it, you want to see her dance you dance with her now!"
I nervously laughed again.
He said, "Now Butter Ball!! I mean it!"
I said, "Let me go to the head first..." And walked towards the John.
And pass the MEN sign and walked right out the door, hopped into my PV544 Volvo and hauled ass.

My Heart Attack on Valentine's Day, for real1

 Speaking of pictures of big Throbbing Hearts here is mine, The first picture is before my stent and the second one is after my stents were in place.. 14 years ago today, Feb 14, 2002, I had a heart attack while running.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Bonnie & Abe at the 1965 NYC World's Fair

 Posted on Facebook 8 years ago:

Today is Abe Lincoln's birthday. This is a picture of my younger sister Bonnie posing with President Lincoln at the 1965 NY World's Fair.
In Today's Trivia On-Line- Page a Day Calendar it told me it was Lincoln's Birthday today also this:
In an odd coincidence, it was Edwin Booth, the brother of John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln's assassin. Robert was on a train platform in New Jersey when a crowd of passengers knocked him into the path of a train. Edwin Booth reached out his hand and pulled Lincoln back to safety. Robert recognized Edwin, as he was a well-known actor. It wasn't until a few months later that John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln.

Bonnie died in 2022.

Postal Supervision


In reviewing my old posts on my blog, I came across the below, which I wrote in 2009. I immediately thought maybe I could recycle it and get some more mileage out of it.
When I started to work for the Atlanta Post Office in 1968 I worked through the night at the Parcel Post Annex off of Chattahoochee Blvd.
We had two supervisors. One of the supervisors’ last name was Rice and the other one was Beckum…. Or it may have been Beckom – who cares?
Rice was about ready to retire. He was short and had his gray hair cut in a flat top. Later I found out he had a drinking problem.
One morning about 4:30 or 5:00 he called all us to gather around him, which we did. He was sitting on a little stool. He told us he just received a call from the Main Post office that the head of operations was coming to pay us a “surprise” visit. He used his fingers to use to quote the “surprise”.
As he talked he took off one of his shoes and then his sock for that shoe and began rubbing his fingers between his toes.
He explained they were on their way now and they wanted to catch us being lax so they could go ahead a get rid of him. He said that he thought they wanted to catch him in one of the back rooms asleep and the people under him just goofing off.
He put his shoe and sock back on and took his other shoe and sock off and continued his talk and rubbing his other toes. He said, lets show them that we are hard workers… I forgot what he said but it was pep talk to get us energized.
He said life is short and we had to seize the moment.
It was about a 15 minute drive from the Main Post Office to the Parcel Post Annex where we were at.
The operation manager and his entourage walked in. Rice walked up to the operations manager and shook his hand and told him that his visit was a pleasant surprise. Then he shook the hands of the other men who came along.
Each time Rice shook a hand you could hear someone make a stuffed chuckle or a muffled giggle grunt.
Then I knew Mr. Rice was a jewel of a boss.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Comic #22, Artist Will Elder

 This is a continuation.  Click on each page to make it bigger.