
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Bonnie Pictures

Mayes Ward Funeral Home said they needed pictures of Bonnie. I went through what we have:

Friday, April 29, 2022

Cousin Hugging a Statue

his is my first cousin Elizabeth "Jo" Hunter and monument of a lady and her twins in the Saint James Episcopalian Cemetery . This was probably taken in the late 1940s when Jo was a student across the street at Marietta High School. There was folklore around town that if you circle the lady and her twins three times at midnight and ask her "Where are your babies?" tears will come out of her eyes down her cheeks. I don't know about midnight, but it doesn't work at Sundown. I tried it then, I am not brave enough to be in an old cemetery after dark.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


My baby sister died this morning and normally under such I would not have anytrhing today, but since I made the below a few days ago, for today, why waste it at the last minute? Or, as they say in show business, "The show musr go on!" Speaking of Super Heroes, remember Mighty Mouse? Before TV was out I was a fan of Mighty Mouse, probably when I was about 5 and lived in the Clay Homes. I either saw Might Mouse in comic books or on the big screen in the Strand Theater. I tied a towel around my neck, which became my cape and jump from my bed to my sister’s grave. In flight that brief moment my arms and hands were pointing ahead, just like Mighty Mouse. On one of my flights something went wrong. I missed the bed and hit a dresser between beds. My face hit the dresser head -on. It put a big gash on my eyebrow and forehead. I was rushed to the Old Hospital. In that time and place it meant we walked extra speed the 3 blocks away. I think it 4 stiches. To avoid shame of letting people know I was pretending to be Mighty Mouse, I told people I ran into a door. I might have been the first to use that excuse. I demand a royalty!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Harriet Hunter, Daniel England, & Moses Hanshaw

This is our ancestor John Hunter's daughter Harriet E. Hunter (1821-aft 1900) and her husband Daniel England (1818-aft 1897). Daniel and Harriet and their children moved into John Hunter's cabin with Martha after John had died in 1848. On a postcard with the same picture of the cabin that is on last Saturday's post, credit is given to Daniel England, not John Hunter, for building it. I think probably Daniel was the first person to get a deed for it. Daniel 's parents were William Richard and Martha "Patsy" Montgomery England. They and William's siblings are credited for being the founding settlers of Helen, Georgia. Down the road from Helen, Georgia, is the Sautee Valley. William Richard England's sister Nancy England married Moses Harshaw of Sautee Valley. Moses had a large farm or plantation with slaves. When slaves grew old and/or sickly and became a liability Moses simply killed them. Some he had them dig their own graves and then shoot them. And some he forced them up nearby Lynch Mountain and pushed them off a cliff. Moses was also a lawyer in nearby Clarksville. He was charged many times of manslaughter, so he was probably his own client most the time. At the time he was called "The Meanest Man in Georgia". Moses house was, the last time I was there, Stovall's Bed and Breakfast (and special events). Isn't that charming?

Monday, April 25, 2022

Rev John Henry Lance Murdered for Preaching Against Moonshine & Revenge

This is Rev John Henry Lance. The Reverend's parents are Samuel Riley Lance (1814-1895) and Rebecca Hunter (1812-1898).Rebecca is the daughter of John and Polly Edwards Hunter, our ancestor. Which of course means John Hunter was John Henry Lance's grandfather. Samuel Riley Lance: A friend of his (Samuel R. Lance), whoes name has long since been forgotten, was to have a duel with a fellow from Union County, and as fate would have it he became sick, not being able to fill the appointed date. Dueling custom has it that if you are sick you have the right to name a replacement, so Samuel Lance, being noted as a fighting man, was chosen to fight in his stead. He came to Union County by request, to uphold the honor of a friend, fought the duel and won, leaving his adversary, against whom he had no malice, lying motionless up the ground. He came to Union County in the Spring of 1839. He returned to Buncombe County and told his brothers and moved his family one year later. - From BLOOD MOUNTAIN COVENANT, A SON'S REVENGE pp7-8, by Charles E. Hill Back to Rev John Henry Lance. He grew up as his peers did, fighting, drinking, and gambling. He got involved in the Methodist religion and became a minister. He preached about the evils of drinking and moonshine, which his old friends were offended. One Sunday morning on his way to church by a creek he had to cross were his old peers hanging around. They got into a heated argument and fight. The bottom line one of his old friends took out a big knife and sliced his neck, which almost decapitated Reverend Henry. Rev John Henry Lance's grave in Old Salem Cemetery. Incidentally John Hunter is buried here also in an unmarked grave. John donated the land for the cemetery. There is a book named BLOOD MOUNTAIN COVENANT, A SON'S REVENGE by Charles E. Hill, which tells of the details and the "payback" of the Lance family.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Annie Fanny Rides Again!

This is just a "Pinch" sample of how great the Annie Fanny comics by Harvey Kurtgman and Will Elder were in PLAYBOY. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Cecil and Georgia Petty Grant

This is Cecil Grant(1901-1958) and his wife, my mother's oldest sibling, Georgia Petty Grant. (1906-1966). They lived in Chattanooga. Cecil worked in a mill, Coats and Clark Threadmill I think. They had no children. Cecil had several interests he pursued. He was an avid cowboy movies collector. He had Tom Mix, Lash LaRue, Gene Autry, Tom Steele, you name them he had them. He built a little out building in his backyard, ran electricity out to it and had a 16MM projector and had his own private movie theater. I am not sure Georgia ever stepped foot into his movie house. It wasn't her thing In the closet in the living room there was a banjo, I don't know who strummed that, probably Cecil. Cecil only got one week of vacation a year. Each year during their one week vacation they drove to Marietta for Georgia to visit her sisters and brother for a couple of days. Their vacations always coincided with then the Southeastern Fair in Atlanta at Lakewood Fairgrounds were going on. Every year spent a day at the Southeastern Fair, alone. What he did or looked at, no one knows. Cecil was bald headed. On one of their visits I had a top that I enjoyed playing with. I remember seriously asking Cecil if I could spin my top on his head. I was about 4 or 5 years old at the time. Everybody cracked up laughing. But to me, the bottom line form a parent was "No!" Georgia was high-strung. Many times on her visits there was a verbal fight. My uncle Roy told me one time Georgia threatened to bash a tea cup on her sister Sarah's head, but I don't know if that was on one of their visits to Marietta or the family visiting them in Chattanooga. Or, if it happened at all. One day Cecil was reroofing his little movie theater-house. He was using a metal hammer and no gloves. His nail hit a live electrical wire electrocuted him instantly.. They are buried at West Hill Cemetery in Dalton, Georgia.

Ed $ Dick Sullivan, Larry Bell Park & Sweet Water Creek

The late brothers Ed and Dick Sullivans at Bell Reunions. I think these 2 pictures were taken at 2 separate unions.. Ed is in the brownish-black shirt and Dick is in the UGA shirt.. The annual Bell Reunion was held for people thar enjoyed Larry Bell Park, mostly in their formative years and Ed and Dick sure did. They were part of it daily. The Sullivan family ran the concessions for Larry Bell Park. Int he Clay Homes they lived three doors away. Ed’s birthday was mid July and so is mine. So his family and our family went on a picnic in mid-July for a duel birthday celebration, two or three times. The Sullivan’s owned a wooden opened trailer that was work related but it also came in handy with our picnics to haul picnic stuff in. I only remember one time. We went to Sweet Water Creek between Austell and Douglasville. There was a place by a bridge going over the huge creek and on the side of the bridge was a flat road-wide grassless clearing going down into the creek and coming out on the other side. Apparently, the bridge took its place. The -road was ideal for a private beach. I think it was my 5th birthday party. I got into the water while walking down the road. I was the first one in. I waded deeper in and suddenly, GLOPE! I stepped off an under water cliff into water over my head. An underwater current grabbed me and away we went. Dick Sullivan, who was probably almost a teenager jumped in and save me, with Daddy not far behind. Dick Sullivan saved my life. Years later the Sullivans were on my Atlanta Journal paper route. They lived on Chester Street, which would probably over look Roswell Street and the Coca Cola plant, and the National Cemetery if it wasn’t for the trees. After Dick retired he went to work, part time for Marietta Hardware, which was just one block away from his parents home. When the Clay Homes was bulldozed he on his lunchbreak visit the site often and watch it, painfully, I would think.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


I think now the number 420 symbolically means a lot to pot lovers. I am not quiet sure why. So, since April the 20th is translated to 420. Today is the day! Hoot joyfully!
Art by Will Elder, from MAD Comics.

Wrights on Umbrella Rock

These Wrights are on Anna's father's mother's side. Umbrella Rock is on Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Clifford & Paul Prance

c1917. Brothers Clifford and Paul Prance. Left is Clifford Prance (1914-1992) and right is Anna's father Paul Prance (1910-2000). Clifford is the father of Franklin and James. Paul is the father of James, Tommy, Julian, and Anna. Paul and Clifford, along with their other siblings were born in Cobb County and spent their lives in Cobb County.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Looking Back at a post About Easter

art clipped by Jack Davis, clipped from MAD Comicbook. This one is dated Easter 2008, copied and pasted: In the early 50s one Easter morning it looked like it was going to be warm day. My sister wanted to go to drive up to the fairly new Acworth Beach and sunbathe. My friend Milton and I went along. We were not old enough to drive. We were in the 8th grade. While my sisters sunbathed Milton and I walked around and found a place around the bend that rented row boats for a cheap price. I do not remember it being a cheap price, but the fact that we did it, proves it was an affordable cheap price. We rowed all over Acworth lake and found on the other side of the lake a swap area with trees going out of the water and we explored down the water alleys bordered by trees. We only had our bathing suits on and did not even think about the sun blaring down on us. However, after we just about did all we could do and returned the boat we realized we were baked. We both were red as lobsters. That night I was in so much pain I could not sleep. But, time heals. Or does it? The red flesh turned to a dark tan eventually. Now, over 50 years later, any time of the year, in my birthday suit, one can tell the where my bathing suit came to that day. There is a Milton by the same last name who owns or owned a car dealership in Gainesville. I often wondered if it is the same person. _______________________ A few years after that at Victoria Landing at Lake Allatoona, as mentioned before, my friend Monty build a houseboat with our help. We did the important stuff like hold planks while Monty measured and sawed. The first houseboat looked like an outhouse on a floating deck and second houseboat looked something like a giant two-level pup tent. Before the second houseboat was built, one Easter Eve several of us spent the night and the next morning of course was Easter. We went for a swim. We went in our underwear. Yes, the water was icy cold – at first, but after a while we got used to it and were climbing up on top of the houseboat and diving in. The following Monday morning at work in Atlanta I told a girl I have known just about all my life about us swimming the day before on Easter. She and I have common relatives but we are not related. She said, “Didn’t y’all freeze your balls off?” and laughed. It was a rhetorical question. After she walked off the shipping clerk, James, came up to me and asked what kind of girl talks like that in front of men. I tried to explain to him that the females of Marietta are as innocent as they can be – they just never have been the type to hold their thoughts in their head. He looked at me blankly – he didn’t understand. He spent his lunch period reading the Bible. I didn’t think he would understand.

4 Generations of the Hunter Males

4 Generations of Hunters From left to right. My great grandfather William A. Hunter (1842 - 1928). William was born in Macon County, North Carolina, and died in Cherokee County, Georgia. He fought in the Civil War and was shot in the knee during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in 1864. He recuperated in a private home near Woodstock, Georgia. After he tried being in a cowboy in Texas, he returned to Woodstock, Georgia, with his family to live. He knew he had friends there. He grew up with the name William A. Trammell, married with that name and fought in the Civil War with that name, but because he was involved in a murder he changed his name to William A. Hunter - but that is a long story. Harold Herbert Hunter (1901-1976). My uncle, and grandson of William A. Hunter. Herbert was born in Cherokee County, Georgia, and died in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia. He owned Hunter's Barber Shop and one time an airfield on Austell and Hurt Roads in Cobb County. He loved to fish. Harold Ray Hunter (1923 - 1991). Ray being held by his father Herbert, is my first cousin. Ray was in WWII. He settled in New Jersey where he worked or a utility company. He retired in Marietta. Frank Paris Hunter (1879-1950). My grandfather, Herbert's father, and son of William A. Hunter. Frank was born in Paris, Texas, grew up Cherokee County, Georgia, and spent most his adult years in Marietta, Georgia, as a machinist. He worked for Glover Machinery. We lived with him his last couple of years and got to know him well. He taught me to ride a bike. He once saved my life when my pajamas caught on fire in front of the fireplace. The is a good example how historical events are just a jump and a leap in the past. In the picture, all but William was alive in my lifetime. William, my great grandfather fought in the Civil War. William's great grandfather, also named William Trammell, fought in the Revolutionary War.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD #13's Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe's story smeared by MAD editor Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Will Elder, what more could you ask for on Easter!

Olga's Daddy, The Cuban Rancher

We went to Papi’s Cuban Grill the other day. Through the years we have been there 2 or 3 other times through the years and they remained themselves, they have’t changed much. However they did remind me of Olga and her parents. They were Cuban to refugees. Olga was married to a friend/coworker at the Atlanta Post Office in about the early 1970s. When in Cuba Olga’s father was a rancher. He more or less took his money and ran. Then they were retired. They loved to play Canasta and took the game very seriously. If Olga’s parents were on opposite sides they were spitting mad at each other until the game was over. Another thing I remember about the father, one time we invited them over for dinner and to play cards, of course. I was cooking streaks outside and he came out to join me. We got carried away waving our arms around pantomonlng and I accidentally hit a steak and it hit the dirt. My guest picked up the steak, brushed if off, and put it back on the steak stack. Then he put his finger to his lips and in not so many words said, “Our secret.”