
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Donald and Me, Not First Responders

Donald Trump said he was at Ground Zero after "it" happened but does not consider himself a First Responder.  Of course not.  So, why did he even mention it?

Above are some pictures of Ground  Zero I took in December 2018, seventeen years and three months later.  I don't consider me a First Responder either.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Wright Family of Canton Highway

About 1892. This is Anna's father's mother's Wright family. Anna's grandmother, Lessie Mae Wright is the baby sitting in the lap of the lady with the blousy sleeves, who is Louisa "Louise" Kuykdendall Wright, sitting next to her husband (her left) Henry Gabe Wright. Henry's parents are sitting in the top right corner. They are Loveuia Adeline Saint John Wright and Isaac Wright.
Image may contain: 8 people, child

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fort Pulaski, near Savannah

Gloomy looking isn't it?  Well, fog seems to cling in the mornings on the Savannah River, low country.

Fort Puluski was built after the War of 1812, as a coastal defense fort.  It was also used as Prisoner of War prison, which war, I have no idea.

These pictures in the early 2000s.


Here in Cobb County, Georgia, there are some big Braves' fans.  And the rest of us whether we like them or not, we are stuck with them.  The Braves Stadium is in Cobb County.  And we are paying in taxes for all the services that come with a stadium.

Georgia's own the late Jack Davis illustrated the story by the late editor  Harvey Kurtzman.

as always,l click on the pictures to make them readable and hopefully understandable.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hunter Cousins & Siblings

Grown Siblings and Cousins Having Fun. This picture was probably taken in the 1920s in the Woodstock, Georgia. The only male in the picture is Bus Hunter (1906-2005). Bus was married to Zelma Olga. The young lady 2nd on his left is his sister Bee (1903-1971). Bee was married to Robert Spencer Crain. Bus and Bee are the children of Frank Paris Hunter and Minnie Tyson.
The other three ladies are their first cousins that lived in or near Woodstock, I do not know which one is which, but here are their names: Eva Octavia Poor (1904-1999) daughter of Arminta Jane Hunter and Lewis Franklin Poor) married John Alden Lanier; Lois Hunter (1895-1998), married a Carroway, and Jacie Hunter (1898-1974) married Vernon Tip Ingram. Lois and Jacie are the daughters of William Jason Hunter and Fannie Medley.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Whitre House Victory Dance

I'm sure the White House is proud it has cut down on regulations thus giving companies a leeway, or wiggle room, to increase their profits.  I bet that is worthy of a White House Victory Dance.

Keeping up with regulations is costly.  Less \regulations equals more profits = Happy Owners.

However, I think most regulations are/were to protect consumers in health, safety, and finance.  But it appears that profit is the bottom line.

Now, aircraft builders probably will not have to put up with those arrogant demanding Federal  quality control inspectors, that should save a lot of money.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nordine's JUNK MAN

I heard this Ken Nordine recital in the 1960s when in the Navy.  I have been a fan of Ken Nordine's WORD JAZZ ever since.  THE JUNK MAN is as true today as it was over 50 years ago.

Take it away Ken!!:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

5 Generations of Bagwells

Five Generations of the Bagwell Family all breathing the same air.*
The Bagwells are on Anna's mother's mother side. They lived in the Alpharetta-Cumming, Georgia, area.
*The forth generation of both my HuntersandTr Pettys fought in the Civil War. And their 3rd or 4th generations fought in Revolutionary War.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Paul Krassner (1932-2019) R.I.P.

Paul Krassner (1932-2019) R.I.P. I cannot say enough about how bold he was for our freedoms. He was the editor and publisher of THE REALIST Magazine, which tested our freedom of press and speech in every issue. In his editorial ramblings he managed to mentioned he was a child preodigy that played the violin solo at Carnegie Hall at a young age, about 5 or 6 I think. His profound wit was up there with Harvey Kurtzman, Will Elder, and Lenny Bruce.

The Old Man of the Sea

I named this picture of myself THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA.  It was taken at Sea Side Heights, New Jersey, on the boardwalk in January 1964.  In the summer months this board walk was crowded, music and a carnival air about it... lots of way for con people to take your money.  In the winter it was more sedate.

I might rename this picture THE YOUNG MAN WITH HAIR.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


WONDER WART HOG is by Gilbert Shelton, the same who created THE FABULOUS FREAK BROTHERS.  click to make bigger!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Charles and Paul Fostrer c1926

Charles and Paul Foster. This is Anna's uncles, her mother Marie's two brothers, the youngest is Charles Jones Foster (1925-2012) and saluting Paul Everett Foster, Jr (1922-1995).
In school Paul worked part time as a projector operator at the Strand Theater in Marietta. He joined the Marines and fought in the Pacific. After the war he reenlisted in the Air Force. After that tour he joined the Marietta Post Office where he retired. He married Barbara Shea, no children.
Charles also worked for the Strand Theater while he was in school. He was in charge of getting the weekly programs printed and delivered. During WWII he enlisted in the Army, went to Pilots school and flew supplies in Europe during the war. Afterwards, he continued being a pilot for TWA until he retired. He married Florence Rogers and they moved to Kansas City. After he retired they moved back to Marietta. After Florence died he married Jane Johnson.
Charles an Florence had three daughters.

Thursday, July 18, 2019



Photo by Benjamin's mother Sabrina

Alice Murray and Steve Prichett

My g-g- grandfather Elijah Petty's daughter Nancy Petty Murray's daugther Alice Murray and her husband Steve Pritchett, which my FB friend Deborah Pritchett is related to also. This picture was probably taken in Murray County, Georgia.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July Birthdays

This past Saturday our immediate family had a July Birthday Party for the three of us who were born in July:  Benjamin, Chong, and Me.

Our son Adam had to leave before we got to clicking.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Birthday is Over

The Birthday Is Over

The party is over.  I had a vey nice Birthday.  We had breakfast at Reveille; a movie at the Movie tavern; and dinner at Pier 213.  It was all good.

At the Movie Tavern I suppose they were showing about six movies.  We narrowed it down to decide between a movie about a rough cop commandeering an Uber driver and his car (the promo looked funny and wild); and SPIDER-MAN, FAR FROM HOME.
We picked SPIDER-MAN.  On this one Peter  Parker goes on a high school class trip to Europe.  Some of the cinematography was too fast and too big (in your face big) to follow the action.  However, I like geography and there are some excellent scenes in Venice, Italy, Prague, Czech Republic, London, and other countries.
Marisa Tormei plays Peter Parker’s aunt, who he lives with.  I remember in MARVEL SPIDER-MAN comics, his aunt (Mrs. Parker) looked very elderly and frail.  In this movie she is very robust and some things she said or do has some sexual innuendoes.
Also, being that it is a Marvel movie I expected to see a Stan Lee cameo.  I didn’t.  I know Stan Lee is dead, but I read someplace they were not going to run out of Stan Lee cameos any time soon, they had plenty in stock.

Maybe they decided, being that Stan is dead, cameos are just to weird.

The Movie Tavern has reasonable ticket  prices to attract the public inside.  Once inside, they plan to make money buy selling you food.  They have a well organized waiter team ready to take your order.

I think they would be offended if they saw you eat food you slipped in .

We smuggled in some snacks.
I had a candy bar I was eating and keeping in the dark of the theater.  Somehow, when I bit off a chunk the nutty chocolate bar broke into several pieces.  I felt around in he dark and thought I found all the pieces.

But when the movie was over, and we walked outside in the bright hallway I saw that a couple of chocolate chunks had melted into the lap of my pants.