
Happy Coffee Day

Happy Coffee Day!  Some places today will have free coffee.

"Nothing tastes better than a free cup of coffee."  ___ Eddie Hunter, 2017

PLAYBOY Publisher Hugh Hefner Died Sept 17, 2017

So long Hef.

You helped out my heroes Paul Krassner and Harvey Kurtzman financially so they could keep going with their satire.  Thank you.

I think you left the world in a better mental state.  

P.S.  But lets not forget you might burn in hell for your contribution to sexism.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Claudius Linton Foster "I surrender!"

Throwback Thursday.  This is Claudius Linton Foster (1888-1965).   Claudius is Anna's great uncle on her mother's father side.
Claudius Married Matt Hood 30 Mar 1919.

Evidently these pictures are proofs.  I wonder why he has his hands behind his head, like he is surrendering?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Memories of Two Marietta Buildings

When I cross the railroad tracks here and look south I think of the Kennesaw House/Marietta Museum of History,  Train Depot's ticket window, Visitors' Center, THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE (1862), and Hazel the Tailor.
Hazel was a little short bald-headed quiet man.  He had a little workroom on the ground floor of the Kennesaw House. 
Back in my high school days the fad was pegged pants, mostly Levis.  Pegged pants were taken up so the leg had no breathing room.  They were a tight squeeze all way down to your ankles.  Lord knows how we squeezed our feet through.  If you wanted pegged pants Hazel was your man.

The railway ticket office held special memories because my friend Van Callaway worked there.  If Van needed movie money he would visit his dad Carl Callaway at the train depot and receive movie money and a lecture.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Me 007?

I drove to a barbecue place we like to pick up a to-go order.

I was driving down the road I noticed in the rear-view mirror a colorful motorcycle taking up the whole mirror.

I turned and the motorcycle stayed in the mirror.  I turned again and so did it.

I turned into the shopping center parking lot the BBQ place is in and it did too.  I turned down a lane and it was right behind me. 

I parked in the parking place closest to the BBQ joint and it parked across from me, about two spaces up.

The driver got out and removed the helmet.  It was a young  good looking lady.  As she removed her helmet her long hair gracefully tossed down her shoulders.

Wow!  I was James in a James Bond movie.  She was my adversary and we were about to kick ass.

Wait!  James Bond is always an impeccable dresser, usually wearing a tux.  I on the other hand, am not.   In fact,  I normally dress like a slob.  At that moment I had a red tee-shirt and shorts hanging too low with food stains on it.
POP!  Back to reality.

The young motorcycle rider sashayed into the next door Chinese Restaurant. 

Bob's Garage is No Longer

Remember Bob Halliday of Bob's Garage?  I have had a few articles about him in Chicken-fat.  The Marietta Journal has had at least one article about him.  And GEORGIA, a magazine for REMC subscribers,  had an article about him.
He was unique because through experience he gave himself a self-education, of restoring old things.  He restored old cars, old service station gas pumps,  juke boxes, pin-ball machine, and I am sure many other things.
His Bob's Garage in off Shallowford Road in Marietta.
A dog park friend's son bought something for over a $1000 that needed restoring.  He took it to Bob and Bob gave him the price of several thousand bucks and told my friend's son that he was running a few months behind, so bring it over, along with half the payment, and he would get to it as soon as he could.  Which the young man obliged. 
Then Bob died.
The last I heard Bob' Garage is locked up and the widow is on an extended trip.
So, where does that leave the young man who left his funky electric machine to be refurbished and the down payment?
I am sure this happens a lot with one-owner businesses,

but it seems it would be a universal problem.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Is Trump Devisive or a Unifier?

I just saw on the news of football players linking arms on the field during the National Anthem and a lot of people saying Trump is divisive.

And I also saw other people screaming at those peaceful demonstrators spitting mad.

And I also saw Trump say he will be the UNIFIER. 

Happy National Comicbook Day!

Today is National Comicbook Day.  If you read my blog very long you probably know comicbooks have a great influence in my life and, well, my state of mind (as I type  I am hyperventilating).
America can claim some forms of music such as Country & Western and jazz and also comicbooks as our contribution to the worldly arts.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bud Grace is Leaving His Comic Strip. Oh Mw!

Bud Grace, creator of the comic strip PIRANHA CLUB is retiring Feb. 3rd. 


click to enlarge to read


Is anybody out there?
I heard a prediction that the world is suppose to end today.

I wish I knew, I would turn off  the computer and  

Wyatt Erp Digging For Gold In Alaska

When we went by the Red Onion Saloon in Skagway, Alaska, we either read or the driver told us that Wyatt Erp's gun is hanging in the wall in the Red Onion.  The legend is that he came into town and the sheriff collected his gun, telling him he would return it when he left town.  It was also said that Wyatt and the sheriff shared a bitter history.
The next morning Wyatt had to move on and he could not find the sheriff to get his gun, so he left anyway.

That may or may not be true.
I Googled Wyatt Erp in Alaska and read that he was in Skagway and other Alaska gold miners active towns.
This is what one Google report said:

"Wyatt Earp is probably the best known of Nome’s early residents, based on his notoriety for the “Gunfight at the OK Corral,” which has been immortalized in several books and movies. Earp grew up in rural Illinois, but filled the rest of his life with excitement, first on the Western Frontier, then in the Arctic. Earp and his wife, Josephine, ran the Dexter Saloon (not to be confused with the Dexter Roadhouses along the Iditarod trail) during summers in Nome, but spent their winters outside Alaska. Wyatt made no secret that he was there to “mine the miners,” and left for good after a few seasons with a reported $80,000. Today, Nome City Hall is on the spot where the Dexter Saloon once made its home as the “only second class saloon in Alaska.”"

Sign in Red Onion Saloon's window

Friday, September 22, 2017

Whizzing Through Marietta

A dog park friend, who doesn't know Marietta very well, the other day asked  for directions to Glover Street.  I gave him street by street directions and even told him to look or see little landmarks that I played at as a kid and even one place I pointed out that I was almost choked to death by a deranged playmate (a loose floor of the loft of a barn gave in and we fell, which changed the subject).
I was rather proud I was able to give directions through Marietta without using the Big Chicken as a compass.
The next day I asked him did he find his destination without any trouble.
He said he went by his GPS/Garmin instead and it didn't take him the same exact way.
I said, "What do you expect when you ask a native directions?  You get the scenic and historical route!!"

Anyway, here are some pictures of downtown Marietta I took yesterday at the Thursday lunch-time Brown Bag Concert.