
Sunday, April 30, 2017


Now that we are looking at North Korea in a Karate Chop mind and North Korea looking us in the same manner and both sides talking big bombs, Nuclear Bombs, and the Mother of all Bombs, and after we blow each other to bits remember, KIM JONG-UN STARTED IT!

Here is another North Korea war story in 1951, from the Two-Fisted Tales MUD written by editor Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Jack Davis.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Another Classmate has left us. R.I.P. Virgil Farrar

R.I.P. Virgil

our rate of leaving our present life is increasing.  

Friday, April 28, 2017

We Don't Get Out Often

I feel the downtown streets of Marietta are my comfort zone.  I was born on Atlanta Street, two blocks from the Square.  I knew where the best junk yards to play rocket-ship in and so on.  So every time I come here it is like I was tossed into yester-year.

A night on the town.  First a salad at Marietta Pizza then for dessert was a special kind of animal crackers that was either sugar free, glutton free, or something that were handed off as free samples as we entered the park.
We decided last year it is just too crowded in Glover Park itself.  So, we sat on the Cobb County Government building sidewalk in folding chairs  to listen to  THE HEADLINERS, which was billed as "Beach and Oldies".  Pretty good.  Check out a couple of lines below:

Unfinished Book

click on  on marker to read

We went to Kennesaw Memorial Cemetery today.  We have a lot of kin there.  Each time I go I can't resist looking other markers.
One nicely engraved marker was of Matthew David Redd.  For some reason he only lived fourteen years.  It looks like he was in scouts, had a smile a lots, which complied with is sense of humor.
At the bottom of the marker is engraved:

It took my breath.

Marietta Downtown Concerts Begins

Tonight is the night of the first concert at Glover Park in Downtown Marietta.  I like downtown Marietta scenes.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Throwback Thursday, Clayhomes

Eating watermelon with my sister Frances overlooking the mess.  This picture was taken near our back door when we lived in the Clay Homes in the early 1940s.

In recent years the Clay Homes has been bulldozed away and the low income residents were replaced by yuppies slinging money all around.  That is Gentrification!.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Movie the FOUNDER, checking out

Is it FOUNDER or FOUNDERS?  I suppose it is who you ask.
The movie is about the rapid growth of the McDonalds' franchise.  (mistakenly I typed "rabid" growth of McDonalds'  franchise - that could be considered correct too".
The McDonald Brothers Mack an Dick were born in New England.  They wanted to run their own business jointly.  They tried numerous ventures, from movie theaters and some minor restaurants.
They ended up in California with a hamburger joint.  The hamburger joint was planned carefully.  Space cost money, preparing foods  took space, so logically they figured the less items on the menu the less space.  They sold hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, and milkshakes and no sitting area.  It was all ordered "to go."
The lines were out to the street.  Mac and Dick McDonald kept a close watch on how the food was cooked and made changes as they went.  It was a small business the community could be proud of.
Back to the milkshake machine.  With lines all the way to the street they needed a more productive milk-shake spinner.  They ordered six milkshake spinners from sales representative Ray Kroc.  He called the McDonald brothers to verify they wanted six.  They said they changed their mind, mike it 8.
Ray was intrigued.  He dropped everything and drove down Rout 66 to see this restaurant that ordered 8 milkshake spinners. 
When he drove up the little restaurant with no seating had long lines.  He was impressed and wanted to get in on it.
But the McDonald brothers wanted none of it.  They did not want to expand their business or menu items.
If you want to know Ray Kroc build a huge McDonald franchise worth billions and leaving the MDonald brothers with their one store with no royalties rights, and no legal right to use their real name McDonald's rent the movie, I am not going to ruin it for you.

"If you sue me, you might win, but again, paying for legal fees might break you first."   I am paraphrasing a line in the movie.  I heard  almost that same line when a disgruntle contractor  was alleging  quoting Trump when it was reported he did not pay the full price to a contractor that was agreed on.  Strange.

If Trump really did refused to pay the agreed amount  knowing the short- paid person or company could not afford legal fees to get their money he possibly could sue Ray Kroc, for using his method without written permission.

It was directed by John Lee Hancock and starred Michael Keaton as Ray Krog, Nick Offerman as Dick McDonald (Parks and Recreation), John Carroll Lynch as Mac McDonald, and Laura Dern as Ethel Kroc, Kroc's wife)  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Buddy Ball Looking at Rock

Buddy Ball at the poolside 1960 Marietta High School  50th Class Reunion in 2010.
I remember Buddy's statement the moment  this picture was taken:  "Rock!"
Then I smiled and said, "Buddy!"

Click on photo to enlarge it, to make Buddy look even happier.

Monday, April 24, 2017



On NPR the other day I heard there are over 1900 National Days.  I think they have to be approved by congress.  They are shameless promotions or to bring your attention to an idea or movement, product,  or whatever.

Another person estimated there are almost 2200 National Days.

It means a lot if Congress approved it (Me rolling my eyes).

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Yesterday morning  on Willow's and my walk, about 5:30, passing a yard in my peripheral I sensed movement.  I looked in that direction was something low and chubby waddling towards us.

As it got closer I saw it was a little undersized opossum.    It was probably a baby, just winged  and out to meet the world and try to survive.

It looked innocent and cuddly.  It reminded me of a little pig waddling along.

Then it saw us. It turned around and with more speed waddled away, not looking back.

That's right Little Possum, you are on your own.  Trust no one!

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Another MAD Baseball Game Illustrated by Jack Davis

click on each picture to enlarge it so you can read the balloons and know what is going on.

I still have the Braves fever.  The novelty of baseball in Cobb County will probably wear off me soon.  After all, I do have a short attention fan.
I wanted to squeeze in one more Kurtzman'a  baseball story before it goes.  This is from the second issue of MAD Comicbook.
Take it away, Harvey Kurtzman and Jack Davis!