
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Navy Man

This morning, going from the parking deck into the building my cardiologist is in up ahead of me was an old man holding the door opened looking at me.
He said, "Come on young man!"
I picked up my step a notch.
When I got to him I saw he was maybe ten years or more older than me.
I noticed he had a Navy blue ball cap with some words in front.  I did an awkward turn and said, "Let me see what your cap says.... Retired, U.S. Navy, I was in the Navy too!"
He said, "I was in it 30 years, got to see the whole world!"
I said, "Well, I was on active duty two years and reserves for six years."
It appeared that he didn't hear me, he started naming off the all the well known places he got to see. 
One of the places he named was May Port.
"May Port, Florida!"  Our ship spent New Year's Eve there in 1964!"
He kept on talking.  I did too.  We both were talking to ourselves.
We took a bus into Jacksonville and hit all the bars.  I remember we saw a lot of football players and football fans hitting the bars there too.  There was to be a big game the next day there.
Somehow my companion for the evening hitting the bars was a one-eyed (patch) woman who had a long horn, maybe 4 or 5 feet long.  She did not talk but she blew loud honks on her horn.
Speaking of May, there was also Cape May, New Jersey.  Cape May, New Jersey had a nudist colony.  Some of our squadron's helicopter pilots always seem to fly off their flight plan and over the colony.

By the way, did you know Bolivia has a Navy with 4000 men but has no coast.   I read that in UNCLE JOHN'S BATHROOM READER.   Hmmmmm.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Thelma is Out of the Hospital

My sister-in-law Thelma got out of the hospital today.  She has been in and out of the hospital, via the ER, at least twice lately.

Hopefully,  the ER is history.

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD #27. FOOTBALL! On the Bandwagon Again!

I will be the first to admit that I don't know beans about football (or baseball).  I admire those who do, but it just isn't my style.  I think with my limited brain power  I have no need to keep up with all those sports statistics.

Having said that, I still feel the need to get on the Super Bowl bandwagon.  I thought I could at least have a MAD Magazine football article illustrated by the late Georgian Jack Davis.

It is about college football, rich colleges vs poor colleges, but it is still about football, right?


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Incident at the Store

This slipped my mind but it popped up again:   The other day  we were in Walmart  going up the wide aisle that separates the groceries and women's clothing when I heard a man shouting.
I looked in the direction of the shouting and a Walmart manager and a clerk were standing looking meekly at a dark man with a beard shouting at them with a Latino accent:
"My name is not Padre or Puncho!  My name is Jose' Blabla.  I resent you calling me that!"  He went on to say he was in the Army for something like 20 years and fought hand to hand/ life or death combat and how dare  the youthful manager call him that.  He threw down his jacket like he wouldn't mind doing some more hand to hand combat.
We quickly left the scene.

After that, aisles away everything seemed calm with people concentrating on their shopping.  I assume  the manager and his helper ran and hid and the pissed off man left in a huff with no bloodshed.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Apple For the Students

Anna and I went to an Apple class on the basics of i-pad today. Some of the things the instructor told us we knew and some we didn't.  Each of us learned some, so it was worth the time.
The classroom was on their salesroom floor with people all around, which isn't a great learning environment.
We were the first ones there (of course).  The teacher said six people signed up.
One lady was there that had never used her ipad.  She did not even know how to turn it on.  She sat there lost.
The only other male student there was a courtly elderly looking man with wise kind eyes who made some wise statements.  I figured he was a retired college professor.  As it turned out, he is not retired, he is on vacation.  I don't know what his profession is but I hope he has a job to utilize his talent, saying wise things with a gentle look on his face.  He said he was on vacation.  He is hitting all the Apple technical classes.  He told us there was one later the same day at the Apple Store in Perimeter Mall and he told of others he went to at other Metro Apple Stores.

Not that it matters, but our teacher said six were scheduled for the class.  Seven showed up.

Where Are Your Babies?

This is my first cousin Elizabeth "Jo" Hunter and monument  of a lady and her twins in the Saint James Episcopalian Cemetery .  This was probably taken in the late 1940s when Jo was a student across the street at Marietta High School.
There was folklore around town that if you circle the lady and her twin statues three times at midnight and ask her "Where are your babies?" tears will come out of her eyes down her cheeks.

I don't know about midnight, but it doesn't work at Sundown.  I tried it then, I am not brave enough to be in an old cemetery after dark.

I took this picture a couple years ago.  Everything grows old.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Rocky and Adam June 1979

Rocky looking at his new little Brother Adam, late May or early June 1979

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mary Tyler Moore Died at Age 80

One of Mary Tyler Moore's first jobs.

My Friend Skip

Our neighbor, Sarah,   who lived on the back side of us had a dog named Skip.  Skip was highly excitable and would fiercely bark rapidly at anything.  He reminded me of the character Don Knotts played.  He was a Jack Russell.
A chain-link fence separated us.  Every time we faced each other through the fence he would bark like he dared me to come over, just try and he was saying he would rip me to shreds, or at least that is what it appeared he was saying.
However, when we visited and sat down on his mistresses screened in back porch he sat in my lap and wanted me to pet him and I did.  We were the best of friends.
As Anna was giving me a haircut on our deck this past weekend Skip slowly walked by on his side of the fence.  I thought he looked very tired, which was unusual for an energy packed dog like that.
Yesterday we learned he was put down about the same day I saw him.  He had a tumor and was making him miserable.

Here are two videos of Skip that I recorded of short moments of his life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Alternative Facts Explains All

I love this new "ALTERNATIVE FACTS"   system that now exists.   And as far as I can tell it is just not reserved for a president or his chosen followers.

I think I'll write my autobiography.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Dirty Harry Lifeguard

At the pool this morning one of the life guards, a young guy, walked by where Anna was  and said casually, "I had an interesting morning."
Anna asked what happened.
We knew he lived in Ellijay.  He said he and his wife spent the night with his grandmother last instead of traveling all the way from Ellijay. 
He is a light sleeper.   At 3am in the morning he heard the squeaky front door open.  Then he heard noises.  He called 911 and reported a theft going on and said told them they better bring a ambulance too.
He walked into the room and two men were trying to remove a big screen TV that was attached to the wall.  The man went after him with a knife.  The 20 year old life guard shot both of them.  I think one of them ran outside and he ran to the door and saw a third one waiting by their get-away car.  He shot him too.
I don't think any of the three was killed.  He shot them in the arms, legs, whatever, but not life threatening wounds.
And the police arrived and arrested them.  And I suppose they were carried to the ER.
Anna asked the lifeguard where did his grandmother live.  He gave her directions - Verbally he directed her down Sandy Plains Road, turn right, then turn right again - it was our subdivision.
I swam up about then and he re-told the story and gave directions again.
It happened about 5 blocks from our house.  I walk by the house almost every day on my and Willow's walk, sometimes as early as 4am.
It taught me it is wise not to oil squeaky door hinges.

Also I told Willow it is important to bark when she hears intruders.

I think I'll tell the lifeguard anytime he has to be to work early, heck, don't worry about waking up your grandmother when you are getting up and leaving.  We have an extra bedroom, you are welcome to stay here.  Oh yeah, be sure and bring your gun.

National Handwriting Day

Happy National Handwriting Day!

Not only is today National Handwriting Day but also John Hancock's birthday!

I bet not.

Coffins and Outhouses For Sale

Just outside of Cleveland, Georgia, next door to a produce stand.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hee hee Ha ha Haw Haw

I just read that Artist Arnold Roth said Harvey Kurtzman at times would pull out the laughing record and play it.
It is called the OKEH LAUGHING RECORD.  It is of a man and woman laughing uncontrollably.  The laughter is infectious. 
One time Arnold asked his boss Harvey, "You are playing got again?  I have heard it over a hundred times.
Harvey said, "It gets better."
Out of curiosity I searched on Youtube  and found that is was produced in 1922.  It is of Otto Rathke an Lucia Bernado laughing and File Sibers on the cornet.
It reminds of the infectious laugh of the lady with the STAR WARS' CHEWBACCA mask on.

Here it is: 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Ron Phillips c2014

Ron Phillips, c2014.
I have not seen Ron Phillips in decades, 40 or 50 years.  He is a few years older than I am, but I think I would have recognized him if not told, by old friend Walker Gaines, who is.  I don't think Ron has aged a bit.

Back in grammar school times I remember Ron lived on Waterman Street, across from the playfield of Waterman Street School.
He has a cabin at the Methodist Campground next door to Walker's cabin.  Incidentally Walker also lived on Waterman Street, and he and Ron are cousins.

On this day, was sort of history celebration of the Campground Methodist and Ron was an Old Time Methodist Reenactor.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Hunter Brothers, Sister, & Spouses and Time

This is an early jump on "Throwback Thursday".  Click on each picture to make it bigger and better.


Left to Right: Dick, Stanley, Doug, Jack, Ed, Bus, Bee, and Herbert Hunter

Janie Petty Hunter, Willie Collins Hunter, Jeannette Quintal Hunter, Bee Hunter Crain, Sarah Frasure Hunter, Lola Jean Turner Hunter, and Ruby Langley Hunter

Bus, Zelma, Ed, Janie, Jack, Ruby, Doug Lola Jean, Stanley, Sarah, Jeannette, and Dick

Bus, Ed, Jack, Doug, and Stanley

Ray Robert "Bus" Hunter (1906-2005)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Marietta Downtown

Yesterday, between doctor visits I took a stroll in downtown Marietta.
I did it because for a couple of years I have been thinking about using my GPS walking aids draws a little map of where you either walked, run, or biked.  I thought it would be neat to walk downtown, first on the four streets that border Glover Park, then the four sidewalks adjacent  to the park, and in the center is a round circle which would represent walking around the fountain.
When I got home and transferred my electronic trail to the computer it looked like a scrambled mess.  For one thing, it is the vision from a satellite miles up in the sky, so the whole  covered image is about the size of a quarter.  For another thing the lines stray off course here and there, especially when I saw someone ahead in my path that looked like they might want to ask me for a couple of bucks.
Which reminds me, a few years ago ever-so-often on Sunday mornings I would load my bike in the truck and unload it on the Square and ride it around.  One Sunday morning while unloading my bike a man approached me and  told me he just came down from  Cartersville to see his sick son and out of gas now he needed a few bucks for gas  to get to the boy's home.  I might have gavr him a couple of bucks that time.  A few months later, one Sunday morning I was unloading my bike, and the same man approached me and told me he had just came down from Cartersville to see is sick son.  He ran out of gas and needed gas money to get to the boys home.
I told him I heard that from him before and hopped on my bike and sped off. 

These bottom three pictures were taken Monday morning on my stroll.  The Cobb County Courthouse looks like something in Gothem City.  And the art work on the wood fence hiding Phillip Goldstein's empty lot were original arts from the Street Art Festival held a couple of months ago.

Monday, January 16, 2017

News Item!


At least the unemployment office should be interesting.


New Word (to me, anyway):

Nikhedonia:  The pleasure feeling one gets from anticipating victory.*

I would think Nikhedonia would be the fear of Nikon Cameras or the dreaded smell of nicotine in someone's hair or clothes.

Nikhedonia has probably caused many people to take their life, rather than be losers.

In every game I can think of there will be a winner and there will be a loser.  Get use to it.

I think there should be a campaign to convince people that Nikhedonia is overrated - so not to so feel badly about oneself.  

*Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Washington Rides Again!

(click on each page to make it readable)

With The 45th Presidential Inauguration  just a few days away I thought of our first President.  Before George Washington was president he was the head general of the Continental Army.   Here he is EC's Comics TWO-FISTED TALES, illustrated by John Severin and Will Elder. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

WHAM! (to the pavement

I am out of routine today.   Yesterday, after visiting our sister-in-law in Cartersville, leaving  walking down her ramp to the driveway, Anna tripped and took a bad bang-up.
Thank God for nosy neighbors:  Thelma's neighbor was watching us.  He rushed over to help.  He whipped out his cell phone to call another neighbor and he was there in seconds, he probably said, "I'll be right there!  Let me put up my binoculars!" 
We got Anna up on her feet and then sitting in a chair.  She has been on ice-packs since. d
Just before Christmas it was me who took a banged up fall. 
Anna needs to rest and take it easy.  I am doing household  things she normally does like sort the clothes for washing.
During the morning I noticed Willow was missing.  I looked in each room and she wasn't in any of them.  "Oh well, " I thought, "Anna probably let Willow out."  And that was the last thought I had on that.
After the clothes were sorted I took a full basket, opened the basement door to carry a load down to the basement where the washing machine is - and Willow jumped out of the darkness!
She probably followed me down me down to the basement on my last trip down there a while ago, and I didn't know it, and came back up and shut the door.
When she jumped out I instantly figured out why, and knew it was my fault.  I reached out to put her to show her now hard feelings, "my bad."
She jumped out of my reach,  now she doesn't trust me.

Oh me.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Fosters

Throwback Thusday:  1919 - Proofs.  Anna's grandparents,  her mother's parents Paul Everett  Foster (1895-1936) and Myrtle Irene Jones (1895-1991).
They are dated 1919.  They were married May 21, 1919.  The pictures, I'm sure the pictures had something to do with that, either before or after.

Be sure and click on the picture to see the images better.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Arnold Guest Has Left Us

Everybody's friend Arnold Guest died about 7:00 this morning.

I do not know how Arnold managed to have as many person to person one on one friendships has he did - but he did.  I know.

There will a Celebration of Life at Arnold's house at 1651 Huntington Drive, this coming Saturday, January the 14th, from 1:00pm until 4:00.

The above is a video of Arnold enjoying one friend after another.

Be sure and click on picture to make it bigger and maybe more enjoyable.