
Monday, October 31, 2016


By Jack Davis
click on to make more scarier 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! a vampire story from CREEPY via Pappy.

Tomorrow is Halloween, so today, I suppose, is Halloween Eve.  

we will have a Halloween vampire story to put you in the "spirit", so to speak,  which I shamelessly lifted from my friend's site Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine (check it out).

Click on the pages to enlarge it so it will make more sense.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dang Dangling

From my collection of interesting statistics and facts:

Here is an interesting statistic:  80% of American men said they would marry the same woman and 50% of the women said they would marry the same man.
There is a dangling 30% of men that might not be seeing things as they really are.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Marvin and Marvin

At a Varner Reunion Marvin Young and Marvin Shaw.  

You will have to click on it to see the facial expressions.  It looks like Marvin Shaw (sitting) is in deep thought and is about to make an important point.

And Marvin Young (standing) is saying, "A camera!  Smile!"

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Tyson Sisters

Throwback Thursday c1947.  Right to left: My grandmother (daddy's mother)Minnie Victoria Tyson (1879-1948) and her sisters Lela Octavia "Aunt Tade" Tyson Carr (1886-1957), and Annie Alice Tyson Crowder (1893-1979).

Notice Tade's head crocked back and looking at Minnie disapprovingly. Tch tch.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Friends Popping Up

On our rambling today I got to see several people I haven't seen in a while: 

(1) Craig Southern, son of Larry and Linda Bates Southern. I have known Larry and Linda since Waterman Street Grammar school. Craig recognized me before I recognized him, usually I am the invisible one. I enjoyed talking to him; 

(2) Gary Price. Gary and Anna are cousins to the same cousins but are not related to each other. Figure that one out. Gary and I know many of the same people in Marietta and know some of my Hunter cousins (that grew up within the Marietta City Limits) better than I do, Gary is head of a unique local organization Something like Jews For Christ, although he grew up as a Christian. I don't know if he is a preacher or rabbi;

 (3) and Mary Housley. I knew Mary in high school when she was Mary Dupree. Mary and I talked about our grandkids.  We mildly worship them.  After she walked off I realized I didn't take her picture. I supposed I was too dazzled after she hugged me.

This Date In History, DISNEYLAND!

On this date, October 26, 1954, the DISNEYLAND TV program made its debut.   

It was entertaining, adventurous, and educational!

Kiddies shake down your parents down for money!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Book Report of THE UNRULY LIFE OF WOODY ALLEN by Marian Meade

Book Report of THE UNRULY LIFE OF WOODY ALLEN, An Unauthorized Biography by Marian Meade.
I think I have seen all, or almost all, of Woody Allen's early movies.  I think they are fantastic.  They are slapstick, profound, wise-cracks with a Jewish accent, and hysterically funny.
His later movies became a little dryer, less slapstick, but still profound. About then  I lost my grip on keeping up with his latest movies.  As a film maker, his quality is rated up with the best, such as Hitchcock, Wilder, Fellini, and Bergman.  In fact Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman are his heroes. 
I thought he was a great insightful person.  Then I read his unauthorized biography by Marian Meade.  She popped my bubble.
She makes him out to be a self-centered scoundrel.  She tells of his demanding and snobbish ways.  He also used people but essentially appeared to not like people.  He didn't give autographs when asked and when in elevators with other people he would turn around and face the wall.
I said Ms Meade made him out as not liking people.  That is not entirely true.  According to her book    he liked young underage girls.  In fact, he had a fling with his wife Mia Farrell's adopted orphaned daughter Soon-Yi Previn.  Soon- Yi was born in Korea and was adopted by Mia and her then-husband Adre' Previn.  Soon-Yi and Woody, after their affair married.
Woody has won and was nominated for many awards but had never been to the ceremonies that hand them out.  One time his excuse was he couldn't let his jazz band down (they play on Sunday nights at Carlyle Cafe in Manhattan).  I admire that.
The book goes into detail about Woody's relation with his ex-wives: Louise Lasser (in sitcom-soap MARY HARTMAN, MART HARTMAN), Diane Keaton, and Mia Farrow. (and more!).
Ms Meade points out that many of Woody's movies are autobiographer, sort of.  In the movie MANHATTAN Woody is having an affair with a teenager who has to deal with homework, book reports, etc.  And in HANNAH AND HER SISTERS every member of Mia Farrow's family could be pointed out.  As one member of the family said it was like watching a home movie... some of them, even played themselves. 
Ms. Meade analyzes each of his movies and his dealings with the movie studio heads.
Another interesting thing about the book it is about like the "Kevin Bacon 6 Degrees Game".  He, through his movies, or through one of his wives has dealt with just about everyone in Hollywood.  Example:  Mia Farrow's mother is Maureen O'Sullivan a.k.a. JANE, TARZAN'Ss mate.
I think the book was very good and dug deep into Woody's mind and private life. 
Although after reading the book I still think Woody Allen is a moving making genius, I also have a lower opinion of him as a person.   But on the other hand, I feel sorry for him because his privacy was invaded.  A CATCH 22.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Back in the old days E.C. Publishing Company made a KILLING on horror comics such as TALES FROM THE CRYPT,  HAUNT OF FEAR, SHOCK, THE VAULT OF HORROR, and more.  I said, "make a killing", get it?
However, after a while the grownups had a rebellion of about the horror comics.  Doctors testified, congress had hearings, and finally the comic industry said instead of making laws restricting them, they would be their own watch dogs... or foxes. 
The horror lines were done away.  Less bloody and violent stories were the new trend.

One E.C. Publishing Company's new line was IMPACT.  The artist, George Evans, was good with E.C. War and air warfare.  About the only "impact" I saw in this story was slamming the door.

The cover art, by the way, is by Jack Davis.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fire Chief Jim

At the doctor's office the other day in the waiting room I did not notice the people already sitting. One man mentioned he used to be a carrier and said he delivered part of Canton Road. I perked up and looked at him. I remember him. I could not recall his name but I remembered his nickname "Fire Chief". He was called Fire Chief because he was a Marietta Fireman before coming to work for the Marietta Post Office. Finally I remember his name is Jim.
He is the only carrier I know who was shot at by a patron and later another patron held a shotgun up to his head and ordered off his property when Jim attempted to have the man sign for a certified piece of mail.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

ThrowbackThursday. Paul Prance

C1914, Proofs.  Click to enlarge

Throwback Thursday.  Henry Paul Prance (1910-2000) c1914.  Anna's father.  Paul lived all his life in the Blackwell/Noonday area of north Cobb County.  He was the oldest of his siblings; three brothers and one sister.
As a young man one of his first jobs was with Franklin D. Roosevelt's work program the CCC.
After that he worked at Veach Wholesale Grocery as the manager for the rest of his work career.  When he retired Veach Grocery stopped being a business. 
He also loved farming.  He had a cow, pigs, one free range chicken,  and a large garden that produced edibles and beautiful flowers.  He grew up on a farm and I think wanted to continue that way of life.
Paul was married twice, first to Alzia Evelyn Kemp, and secondly to Marie Foster.
He and Alzia had three sons, which unfortunately, they died before he did.  The lived to be middle age men, but Paul outlived them.   They are Jimmy, Tommy, and Julian.

He and Marie had one daughter, Anna.

c 1925. Teenager Paul slipping up behind his aunt Lilla Wright

c1943.  Paul as a young man

1993.  Paul & Marie