
Saturday, November 29, 2014

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Furry Fabulous Freak Bros and the Turkey

Even though the Christmas  Shopping Rush is in full force we still have not gotten  fully over Thanksgiving yet, after all, we are still eating turkey leftovers.

To get a little more out of the Thanksgiving leftovers  is heartwarming story  turkey story with the FURRY FABULOUS FREAK BROTHERS  by Gilbert Shelton. 

I have a confession, I lifted it from my nephew-in-law Kerry's Facebook page.

psst! click on image to make it larger so you can read the balloons and then it might all make sense. 

The other evening JEOPARDY had a question that  the answer was Tide's master, BUSTER BROWN.  I knew the answer as soon as I heard the question, or is it answer on JEOPARDY? 

I remember part of  the famous sentence  for Buster Brown Shoes, "That's my dog Tide!  Look for me in there too!"
I suppose  Too rhymed with Shoe.

In styles of yesteryear Buster Brown dressed like a full blown sissy.    It probably meant like he dressed like a rich kid.  To my circle of friends, he dressed like a sissy.

I was thinking tonight after the JEOPARDY question I think it would really be a blow to one of my friends' inflated ego to be whipped in a fight by someone dressed like Buster Brown.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving Traditions


Hog Dressing

Dog Show

Family Dinner


Hosea Williams' Feed the Homeless Program and Must Ministries

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Black Thanksgiving Sales (new)

Lighting of  Macy's Christmas Tree in Atlanta

Who has time to give thanks or relect?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Willow's Grooming, Chapter 2

Yesterday's episode was that Willow's groomer could not drop everything and groom Willow for Thanksgiving.  She was booked up!

I took Willow to Pet Smart go be groomed.

On the drive over I told Willow of our Pet Smart adventure seven years ago:
We had just adopted her from the Atlanta Humane Society at about 10th and Howell Mill Streets in Atlanta.  We drove back to Marietta and we could tell she wasn't that sure of us.  Who are they?  What did they  want of me?  Do they want to eat me?
To get on her good side we stopped at Wendy's and bought her some chicken nuggets.  She seemed to love them.
Our next stop was Pet Smart.  The same Pet Smart we went to today.  We wanted to buy her some treats and toys for her as a welcome gift to her new home.  We was not that large at the time and put her in the carriage part of a shopping cart.  We pushed her around the store and bought her this and that.
When we got close to the front door she saw daylight and sprung out of the cart and ran to the doors.  I thought she would run into the doors and then run some other direction.  As she ran to the door they sensed her movement and opened.  She ran out.
We chased her.  She ran.  All the employees ran out and tried to catch her.   More people in the parking lot joined in trying to catch her.
We were afraid some moving cars in the parking lot might do her harm, or she could run out on Barrett Parkway with lots of fast moving traffic.
HOWEVER!!  In the parking lot was a Pet Smart young lady on her lunch break.  She was eating Chic Fil a nuggets.  She got out of her car and held her arm out with a nugget on the end, in her hand.  Willow* galloped into her arms.

*Willow's name was Wiggles then.

A couple hours later before I picked up Willow at Pet Smart's Grooming Department I window-shopped in the dog bed department.  A lady with four or five daughters, all under age nine or ten, was having the daughters try out different dog beds.  They looked like they may be low income family...... why not?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Communications Seat

I called Willow's groomer and asked for an appointment as soon as possible.  She gave me a time and day.  After thinking about it, we decided that would be impossible for us to do. 

I called her back and   left a message: I told her that the time and day was impossible to do, could we have it the next day.  I waited and waited her to return my call.  I decided, that her grooming shop was on the way to the dog park anyway, I would   just drop by her shop and ask her face to face.

I left Willow in the truck and went in.  She wasn't in the first room, where she does the grooming.  As I stood at the counter I could hear her talking loudly to someone.  She is hard of hearing and naturally talks loudly.  I couldn't  hear what she was saying but by the tone I figured she was talking on the phone.

Then I heard her say, "Thank you, bye!"  Apparently she hung up.

Then I heard the toilet flush.

She came into the main room with the phone still in her hand.

She looked at me and smiled and I thought she said, "I just left you a message.  I cannot do it the next day."

I told her I would have to get back with her and left for the dog park.

When we returned home there was no messages on the phone.  Maybe she said she was going to leave me a message, or maybe, being hard of hearing, she thought she left me a message.

Either way, next time I either talk to her on the phone or get a message I will wonder if she is making her calls while s on the John; the Throne.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Remember the old television quiz show "21"?.  That program got people hooked on quiz shows and it has been alive since, regardless of some corruption involved back in the old days.  I suppose it is our fascination with trivia facts we think we know that keeps it kindled
 Knowing the answers is part of thrill and winning money even makes it more interesting, not only are you pulling up forgotten facts put you are also pulling up greed.....$$$$ to smash your opponent and get a lot of money.
Here is a reminder of the first of TV quiz shows, a lampoon on TWENTY-ONE from HUMBUG Magazine, written by editor Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Will Elder.

Click to enlarge to be able to read the balloons.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Tour of Roy and Marie Dobbs Barnes' Home

Today we went on a tour of Former Governor Roy Barnes House, on Whitlock Avenue, just a few blocks west of downtown.    We were fascinated.!

I hope these pictures do justice to what we saw.  If I was sly enough I would have carried my camera.  I had to use my smart phone.

There will be another tour of their home the first weekend of December during the annual Marietta Pilgrimage, or a Christmas Tour of Homes.  Today the donations went to a battered women organization.

Marie Dobbs Barnes

This is on the floor as you enter the front door

American Gothic aka M/Mrs Barnes

Grandchildren Table (notice shoes on legs)

The full size trees are in the basement year around.  Not only do they make a good Christmas scene but also the grand kids have had spend the nights with tents there.  (No mosquitoes or snakes).

Just outside the great room, the backyard

The Gov and the Mrs. Bedroom

The below pictures are two grandsons' bedroom.  Apparently they are UGA fans.

We were lucky enough to have one of Marie's friends near us on the tour.  She pointed out some things of interest.  The way we found out she was her friend, we were in a finely decorated bedroom and one of us wondered aloud, "Who's bedroom is this?" 
And a lady behind us said, "Mine!"  Then she went on to explain that she is Marie's friend and when she spends the night that is her bed. 
Later she pointed out her signature on  a framed proclamation that many people had signed.

At the end of the tour at the shuttle pickup area I mentioned to a docent or official in charge of that area that I thought I was the only male on the tour, I saw plenty of women but no men.  She told me I was right, I was the only man.
I thought I would squeal.