

Job Tyson's parents were John Tyson (1723-1767) and Bethany Hines (1725-1780). Here is what I have under John's name:

John Tyson (ours, I presume, judging by the date) had a "wife or sister"
named Sibbey who was mean to the slaves. Two of them (Shade & Rose)
murdered her. One slave was valuable and was sent off and sold. The other
(useless, presumably) was convicted of murder and burned at the stake "by
the sheriff at or near the town of Martinborough!"

I don't see a Sibbey on my list (probably not her official name) but I
would be interested in finding this person. The article says that this was
supposed to have happened about 1783.
-David Warren (Sept 1999).

*****The Robbins line ,many of whom consider themselves Tyson descendants,
connects with my Tyson line and this will be explained in the narrative.
Although there's a strong oral history and many-many clues that tie both
lines to Tyson descendancy, there are no major document(s)which have been
uncovered that conclusively prove descendancy. Of course, this is typical of
genealogy involving the enslaved. What is exciting though, is that this is
the first time that the Robbins family will meet as an ENTIRE family. One
line of the family is extremely fair in complexion ;in fact, they can pass
for white, although most in the younger generation aren't trying and it's
not their mind set. In previous years, this line would not associate with
the Robbins lines which had more colour. So, the two lines had separate
reunions, because the elders of both lines denied being related to one
another and taught their children to have the same attitudes . Fortunately
today, most in the younger generations think this is all so silly and now
want a meeting of the entire family. After all, this does not change who
anyone is or how anyone chooses to identify oneself. The family photo will
surely resemble a mini United Nations.
- Judy Tyson Raymond - 1999

John was a justice, coroner, and colonel for the Pitt County Militia. - Elesa Hembree.

Friday, April 29, 2011

"Who Farted?"

I watched some of the Royal Wedding this morning and was impressed of shiny, the brightness, and bigness of it all.

If similar shiny, brightness happened at a wedding ceremony or reception in the ghetto or a trailer park people would think “How tacky! How gaudy!”

Also the hoards of people added to the effect. So did the close-ups. The close-ups, with HD TV, showed that they were still people with warts, bent noses, and everything else real humans have.

It was a big deal for a big event.

The network we were watching the wedding had a lip-reader to read what was being said at when thinking they were safely far enough away from the fans’ and spectators’ ears, which were candid quick one liner bits of wit.

I am not sure how I feel about that, the public need to know vs the right to privacy and confidentiality. I slightly feel like an intruder when I hear a conversation between two people that they did not intend on me hearing – all the TV viewers should feel the same way, I suppose (if they want to be like me, anyway).

It also gave me inspiration to start freelancing myself as a body language specialist. I worked with deaf people for years and communicated fine with them by the mime-body-language system.

Also, I have watched plenty of modern black humor sitcoms and movies where much of the humor is not what is said, but what the body and face expressed.

Here are a few examples of body expressions I see every day:

“Fuck you!”

“I’ll just ignore him.”

“Quit Looking at Me!”

“Up Yours!”

“Do you believe that ass-hole?”

“Ass Hole!”


“Check her out!”


“What, Me Worry?”

1960 OLYMPIAN, Juniors

I know, I know, the above page is out of sequence. I discovered it was missing when placing the ones below it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! Part 43

Before we move on, first let’s back step one generation to look at Eugene Hargraves/Job Tyson’s wife Frances Eliza Porthress Herring Tyson (1799-1878). She was the oldest child of William and Betsy Flipping Hamlett.

William and Betsy Flilpping Hamlett had fourteen children.

William Herring (1780 – 1812) was the son Arthur and Elizabeth Stokes Herring.

Elizabeth Stokes Herring (b1740) was the daughter of David and Sarah Stokes Montford Stokes

David Stokes (1707-1794) and Sarah Montford Stokes (1716-1800) had 11 children. There were 3 captains in the family and at least one daughter who married a captain. The youngest son Montford Stokes (1762 – 1842) became a U.S. senator then the Governor of North Carolina. Here is what I have on him:

He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.

Montfort Stokes (1762-1842), a native of Virginia, held various county and state offices in North Carolina before election to the U. S. Senate, 1816 to 1823. He subsequently held a number of state offices, including governor. He resigned the governorship to accept a commission to investigate conditions among the Indians of Indian Territory. He served as subagent for the Cherokees, Senecas, and Shawnees in 1836, and agent, 1837-1841.

Source: Who Was Who In America, Revised ed. (Chicago: Marquis Who’s Who, 1967), Historical Vol.: 540.

President Andrew Jackson appointed his good friend Montfort Stokes to over see the displaced Indians at Fort Gibson. He was became a friend of the Native Amricans and introduced many bills to improve their lives, but none was ever voted into law.

Montfort Stokes was a veteran of both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. At the age of fourteen, he served under Commodore Stephen Decatur, was captured near Norfolk, and served seven months aboard the prison ship "Jersey" in New York harbor. He became friends with Andrew Jackson while practicing law and serving as clerk of Rowan Superior Court in Salisbury. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1816. In 1823, he represented the western part of the state at a convention called to secure more equal representation in the legislature between the parts of the state. As a result of the meeting, representation was provided on the basis of the white population and three-fifths of the Negro population. Stokes served as a representative from Stokes County to the state Senate and later to the House of Commons. During his term as governor, he pushed for sound currency and better internal improvements. In 1832, President Andrew Jackson appointed Montfort Stokes as the chairman of the Federal Indian Commission to oversee the settlement of southern Indians west of the Mississippi. He served in this capacity for ten years, dying near Fort Gibson, Arkansas, in 1842.

Actually, Montford is one of those “near-kin” persons. He was a distant in-law.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! Part 42

In the previous WHO DO I THINK I AM series I talked about Job Tyson (1760-1803). His better half, my g-g-g-grandmother Delitha Stanton (1770-18??) had an interesting life also. She was married three times in this order: (1) James Winston, (2) Job Tyson and (3) John Harbirt.

We know nothing about James Winston except his name. We know some about Job Tyson that we have already talked about. And we know something about John Harbirt. John was a probate judge and a state representative, when the state capital was in Louisville, Georgia. I don’t know but I can that it might be possible that Delitha Stanton Winston Tyson got to know the probate judge when her husband Job died in 1803.
Here is what I have on Delitha:

I need to insert this someplace: When I first started researching the TYSON family, I had information that Delitha's maiden name was HAMBY.

The first child of Job and Delitha was named Delitha Winston Tyson; thus, indicating Delitha's marriage to Winston occurred prior to her marriage to Job Tyson. The fact that her former husband's surname was combined in the child's name might indicate Delitha was carrying the child when James Winston died or that the child was adopted after the second marriage took place
-Stanley Tyson

"DELITHA TYSON, Admnx. of JOB TYSON< dec'd and JOHN HERBIRT and MILLER ABERCROMBIE Security bond for $12,000 dated 10 Dec. 1803"`

Source: Hancock Co., Ga. records, page 193, "Some Ga County Record, vo1. Being some of the Legal Records of Columbia, Hancock, Jefferson, and Warren Counties, Ga." compiled by The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Southern Historical Press, c1977.

1805 - Delitha TYSON drew land in Wilkinson Co., Ga. - Judy Tyson Raymond (1999).

This person had folks on Fort Creek also.
Bombshell - Delitha remarried!
- Judith Tyson Raymond, 1999

Hancock County Georgia
Court of Ordinary Minutes

1799 - 1817
Compiled by:
J. Kenneth Brantley

Published by:
The Brantley Association of America

Page 104

At a court of ordinary that was began and held in and for the county of
Hancock on Wednesday the 6th of July 1803. Present their honors: John
Coulter, John W. Devereux, Brice Gaither, William Rabun. {Justices}

At a court of ordinary that was began and held in and for the county of
Hancock on Wednesday the 6th of July 1803. Present their honors: John
Coulter, John W. Devereux, Brice Gaither, William Rabun. {Justices}

Page 110

Delitha Tyson applies for letter of administration on the estate of Job Tyson
dec'd Ordered that citation be published accordingly.

Page 114

On Saturday 10th day of December 1803. the court met agreeably to
adjournment. Present their honors: Brice Gaither, Jno. Wm. Devereux Wm.
Rabun {Esquires}

Page 115

Ordered that letters of administration be granted to Mrs.Delitha Tyson on the
estate of Job Tyson dec'd; Whereupon it is ordered that Duke Hamilton,
Anderson Comer, Zerobabel Williamson & John Crowder or any three of them be
and they are hereby appointed to appraise on oath the personal estate of Job
Tyson dec'd. {"rec'd $5" listed in Margin}

Page 151

At a court of ordinary held on Friday the 8th day of February, 1805. Present
their honors:

William Rabun, Stephen Evans, John Crowder {Esquires}

Page 155

Mrs. Deletha Tyson returned an account of vouchers for money paid of the
estate of Job Tyson dec'd to the amount of four hundred & thirty four dollars
& ninety three cents - also said administratrix returned an account of sales
of said estate to the amount of eight hundred and ninety eight dollars thirty
one and a quarter cents.

Page 222

At a court of ordinary held on Monday the first day of December 1806----
Present their honours: William Rabun, Stephen Evans, Richard A Blount, John
Crowder {Esquires}

Page 226

Whereas, Deletha Tyson, administratrix of the estate of Job Tyson, dec'd,
hath applied for leave to sell a tract of land containing three hundred acres
more or less, lying on the waters of Fort Creek, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of the said deceased and whereas the said Delitha hath lately
intermarried with John Herbirt-Ordered that the said John Herbirt do sell the
same agreeably to said application and advertisement.

Page 260

Monday 6th July 1807, The Court met agreeably to adjournment-present their
honours William Rabun, Stephen Evans, Richard A. Blount, Boling Hall, John
Crowder {Esq's.}

Page 261

John Herbirt in right of his wife administratrix of the estate of Job Tyson
dec'd returne'd an account of the sale of three hundred acres of land, for
three thousand and twenty five dollars.
- transcribed by Judith Tyson Raymond (1999)