
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! part 19

John Trammell (1700 – 1755) was grandson of Thomas Trammell, the immigrant. My claim to fame with him that he once owned the land which Falls Church, Virginia, sits. Falls Church is mentioned many times in different episodes of the formative years of America in history books.

He owned the land which the town of Falls Church, Virginia now stands (just outside of Arlington, Virginia). He donated two acres of land for the now historic old "Upper Church", which is in Falls Church, Virginia

20 Sept 1733 - Truro Parish, Prince William Co., Va. Alexander Scott & wife Susanna - 200 acres on Pimmett's Run. - Whereon they never lived.
(Pimmett's Run is near the present Chain Bridge leading from Md side of the Potomac in the Dist of Columbia, to the Va side of Fairfax Co.

Bk A, p248 Mar 19, 1946, John Trammell sells 2 acres of land for 5 shillings ... for the Upper Church to be laid off Church Yard, Spring & Church.
The Upper Church of Truro Parish as laid off in 1746 is now the historic old church of Falls Church, Va.

Deed by John & Susanna, 18 June 1745/46, specifies 2 acres of land reserved for church "where the Upper Church now stands", this is the Colonial Church of Falls Church, Va. This is the church the Trammell family attended in Fairfax Co., Va.

Will recorded Bk B, pp85-86, Fairfax Court House, Va. Dated 9 apr 1773 and proved in Court May 20, 1755.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


(click to enlarge)

We must have loved the above stink hole and still do. We still wallow in the memories of Marietta High School and Varners Drive-In Restaurant.

Varner's Reunion is April the 23rd, starting at 4pm at the Horace Orr American Legion Post at 921 Gresham Avenue, Marietta.

More Days until the Varner Reunion.

Movie Star GIANTS

Elizabeth Taylor has been dead one week now. The other day I was thinking of the different movies she was in. One was the movie GIANT. Then I thought that was a movie with the box office GIANTS in it: Elizabeth Taylor, Rocky Hudson, and James Dean. Which is the name of this movie spoof in issue number 2 of TRUMP Magazine, dated 1957. It was probably written by editor Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Jack Davis.

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! part 18

William and Daniel Trammell and the other siblings’ great grandfather was Thomas Trammell (about 1654-1720). Thomas was the first Trammell in America. He came from Devonshire, , England. He had to pay for his fair as an indentured servant.
In the spring of 1671 Thomas sailed from Bristol, England, to America.
-John Byrd, Trammell Forum Internet site, 12/10/2000

Francis Wyeth, his master, refused to let him have his freedom after the agreed four-year servitude period. Thomas TRAMMELL, indentured servant, had to carry his master Francis WYETH to court to sue him for his freedom. The stakes were not exactly even. If he lost he faced a possible whipping or flogging for questioning the authority of his master. On the other hand if the Master lost, all he would lose was the servant with no penalties involved. An American way of life was getting started.

In the Minutes of the Council of the General Court of Virginia, dated March 5, 1674/1675, page 405, is this entry: "Upon oath of Captain Moore that Thomas TRAMMELL came to this country but for four years - it is ordered that he be acquitted from services and that Mr. Francis Wyeth, his master, do pay him coin and clothes according to custom and costs."

Noticed that the Court's Minutes used "Mr. Francis Wyeth" and no-suffix "Thomas Trammell"? He won anyway. He was also awarded fifty acres to begin his duties as a citizen in the colony.

His daughter Elizabeth was born in 1672, which shows he was married with at least one child as an indentured servant.

Thomas TRAMMELL settled in Stafford County (previously Westmoreland). He died there at age seventy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bear Sighted in West Cobb

Yesterday a black bear was caught on a video camera eating from a bird feeder. It was in the Hamilton Road/Due West Road area.

No human has been reported meeting this bear face to face.

I think as we humans spread out, clear off lands, and build more subdivisons the wildlife critters are finding their homes gone and there will be more sightings.

The good part is that they are afraid of us more than we are of them. But, who's more afraid doesn't solve their homeless problem.

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! part 17

One of William Trammell"s eleven brothers was Daniel Trammell (1745-1814), who was killed in Clarke County, Georgia, in 1814. Here is the story behind it:

Daniel Trammell first married Mrs. Sarah BROWNFIELD, widow of John BROWNFIELD, who was killed by Indians. In 1808, Sarah died and Daniel was the administrator of the BROWNFIELD Estate. Children of John and Sarah BROWNFIELD did not like this situation: Daniel TRAMMELL, their stepfather, had control of the money their real father had accumulated. Daniel married Fanny BOYD, 24 November 1809. About the same time the BROWNFIELD children were suing Daniel for the estate. As the years passed the feeling between their stepfather and them grew hotter. On 21 November 1814, Sarah's son Benjamin THURMOND "murdered" Daniel. The trial lasted ten days. Ben was sentenced to be hanged 25 March 1815. He escaped. The authorities issued a three hundred-dollar reward for his capture. He was recaptured and resentenced "to be hung or hanged by the neck at or near a gallows to be erected at or near Watkinsville*, the county seat of Clarke County, Georgia, 14 April 1815."

From the self-published book DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS TRAMMELL Compiled by Dr. Charles S. McCleskey.

* Now the county seat of Clarke County, Ga., is Athens.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Big Kiss to the USA!

Newt Gingrich, presidential candidate wannabe, recently said the reason he had infidelity was that he loved his country so much. How does loving his country justify cheating on his wife?

Is that loving his country so much as in soooo much?

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! part 16

Thelma Welch Swanson (1917 – 20000). You may have noticed that Thelma’s name has popped up several times when I mentioned my ancestors and other relatives that lived in Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina. Thelma and I are distant cousins through the Ray family. We are both descended from John and Nancy Sumner Ray. She has found a lot of Trammell documents in the Macon County deed office that she sent to me. She used the U.S. Postal Service for her mode of communicating. She did not own a computer.

Thelma was not related to the Trammells. She just loved to share.

She was one of the chartered members of the Macon County Historical Society. She helped get it started. She also wrote several books, one which I referred to many times is John and Nancy Ray Sumner Ray and their Descendants.

One time I visited her we walked through three or four Franklin cemeteries we had climb banks, walls, and other physical feats. She scurried up those steep banks like a mountain goat and I was panting behind her, trying to keep up. At that time she was in her late 70s.

Not long afterwards she broke a hip and suddenly became not so active, which I think done her in.

Anna and I dropped by to visit her on the way back from the Cherokee Indian Reservation, not long before she died.

While we were visiting we mentioned we saw the outdoors play UNTO THESE HILLS while in Cherokee. UNTO THESE HILLS is about the white men breaking treaties with the Native Americans, The Trail of Tears, and the Indians who stayed behind to fight. The play is a compilation of many facts. One fact is an Indian, Tsali, who, after being forced off his land saw a soldier kill his wife because she fell. He killed the soldier. He and his two sons fled to the hills and caused a movement of Indians to stay back and fight for their land.

That really happened in history. The soldiers hunted all over and couldn’t find him or his sons General Winfield Scott made a deal with him (through the grapevine), that if he and his sons give themselves up to be punished for the killing they did the rest of the Indians, in hiding can stay and not be sent to Oklahoma.. He did, and the remaining Natives Americans stayed in a newly created Cherokee Indian Reservation at the foot of the Smoky Mountains.

Thelma told me her great-great grandfather, a Welch, the same as her maiden name, hid the Indian hero Tsali and his two sons for the months in his barn. That is another example of my "near-kin" making history.

Also, almost on the same subject, a fugitive, hiding in the mountains of North Carolina, I mentioned the authorities believed Eric Robert Rudolph was hiding someplace in those hills. Thelma, a retired school teacher, told me she knew Eric Rudolph and his family well. She said they came up from Florida. She said she taught him in school. She went on to say that the people of the Mountains of Western North Carolina, “hide their own kind” and that Eric was something of a local folk hero. She looked me straight in the eyes as she was telling me and didn’t flinch. I wondered if there was something she wasn’t telling me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yellow Fellow Shoot'em Ups

I love the Yella Fella cliff hanger commercials! I guess they remind me of the old movies I watched as a kid at the Strand Theater on Saturday mornings. It has a simple plot with simple solutions but somehow the quality of the yellow wood of Southern Wood is always worked in.

The hero, the big FELLA in a YELLOW cowboy outfit is Jimmy Rane, founder of Southern Wood Preserving Corporation. It appears he is playing out a childhood fantasy.

The acting is terrible and the cliffhanging is tongue-in-cheek. It is so corny it is good. Heck, I think I'm going to cry again.

SUNDAY FUNNIES!!! EC's CRIME 3 For the Money

This story "THREE FOR THE MONEY" and comicbook cover was illustrated by Jack Kamen. The story has a O'Henry, Alfred Hitchock twister plot. It was probably written by editor Al Fieldstein and EC publisher William Gaines. The name of this EC comicbook is a play of leters, CRIME SUSPENSTOIRES. It combines two words to make one misspelled word. Now you see why they were banned. They couldn't spell. That just an't a good example for you kids to follow.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am? Wow! part 15

My great grandfather was William A. Trammell/Hunter. His mother was Rebecca Trammell. Rebecca's father was Jacob B. Trammell. Jacob's father, William Trammell (1752 - 1843) and his first wife was Mary Zipphia Lynch R(h)odes are my great-g-g-g-grandparents.

William fought in the Revolutionary War:

He enlisted and served three years in the Continental Army, during the Revolutionary War, under Captain Daniel Duff and Colonel Brandon.
Records from the South Carolina Archives show that he served in the South Carolina Militia in the Revolutionary War, as his brothers, as a private under Thomas Brandon before and after the Fall of Charleston. Also, he was wounded near Broad River in 1781. He enlisted in the District of Spartanburg at the beginning of the was between Great Britain and the Colonies. He served as a private in the South Carolina Militia in Captain Daniel Duff's Company, Col Thomas Brandon's Regiment, and General Sumpter's Brigade. He also served under Col. Washington in the calavry for about three years, the Battle of King's Mountain, the siege of Savannah, and the Battle of Cowpens. He served about seven years total.
DAR Patriot Index, pg 686.
National Archives, William Trammel, S.C. Widow's Pension (Sarah) W 6312.

National Archives, William Trammel, S.C. Widow's Pension (Sarah) W 6312.

Later William, at the age of eighty-four plus became an invalid. Sarah Reynolds left him. He moved in with son Javan TRAMMELL back in Macon County, North Carolina.

December 17, 1843, at the age of ninety-one he died. He left all his belongings to Javan, who cared for him in his final illness.
He is buried in the First Methodist Cemetery in Franklin, North Caroina.

Before William TRAMMELL died, sons Javan and "Jacob" applied in his behalf for a pension for losing his arm in the Revolutionary War. William never received a pension, but his widow, Sara REYNOLDS, who abandoned him in time of sickness, was allowed one.

Extracts from the pension records in the case of William Trammell: Power of Attorney by the said William Trammell on October 15, 1842, Henderson Co., N.C.
"Know all men by these present-that I, William Trammell, of the County and State aforesaid, do nominante and appoint and consatitute my son, Javan Trammell, as my agent in fact and in law to transact all my business....
WITNESSES: John Clayton, Samuel Hefner and signed by his mark.

I, the said, William Trammell, do hereby will that my son Javan Trammell, shall have all effects after my death for the services rendered to me. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of October 18, '42. Signed William Trammell. Proven in court Book 3, pg 414.

Affidavit of J.S. Sutherland says in part: J. Van Trammell is an honest, hard working poor man and he took care of his father in his helpless old age. I hope that you make the money payable to J.Van Trammell and not to the widow as you have a full statement of the matter."

Above is the marker for the grave of William Trammell. My genealogy hunting buddy the late Thelma Swanson wrote me (she didn't have email) and told me she found what she was thought was his grave at the First Methodist Church in Franklin, North Carolina. I told her I would get up there and look at it the first chance I got. A few weeks later my two sons and I spent the night in Franklin and the next morning we met Thelma and went to the cemetery. She pointed out the grave and we could not read a thing on it. She said by logic deduction she figured it had to be his grave. We decided to rub it. To get a sheet of paper, crayons and rub the markings and it would come out. We went to K-Mart, bought the paper a crayons, dropped by Burger King for lunch, then went back.

When we arrived back, somehow, the sun refelction from the cars in a parking lot nearby and the sun coming through breaks of foilage in the above tree, made William's grave be illuminated lke something Holy. Maybe like something in Indians Jones. You could read every word, it was him.

But the picture above didn't turn out so good.

1960 OLYMPIAN, Music Workship

I want to hear them sing, "Them Bones".

Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Do You Think I Am? Wow! part 14

Back to my Trammell line: As I said William A. Trammell/Hunter was raised by his grandparents Jacob and Polly Hogshead Trammell. Jacob “Jake” B. Trammell (1791-1860) and Polly Hogshead Trammell (c1800 – between 1850-1860).

Jacob was born in Sourth Carolina about 1790 and later moved to Buncombe County, where she married Polly Hogshead. They were present in Macon County by about 1822.

He tok oath as a constable in the December 1831 court. In 1835, the court appointed him Entry Taker (of land claims) for the county.
from LOG CABIN COURTm MINUTES OF THE COUNTY COURT, BOOK 1, MACON COUNTY, NC 1829-1832 by Barbara Sears McRae, p21.

In 1820, Jacob was granted land (Military Bounty Grants for the War Of 1812) in Independence County, Arkansas. There is no evidence that he ever went there.

Jacob bought land in Haywood County, N.C., January 1, 1828, later, to Macon County, N.C.

County Trustee. This seems to have been the same position as county treasurer. The first trustee was the magistrate Michael Wikle, who was elected during the first session of court, March 1829. The other candidate was Jacob Trammell. - Book LOG CABIN COURT, Minutes of the County Court, Book 1, Macon County, NC 1829-1832, p22. by Barbara Sears McRae.

From Macon County Court Records: Jacob Trammell was very active in the early day affairs of Macon County, served as juror often and helped to lay out the roads of Macon Conty.
Dec 23, 1831 - Jacob B. Trammell - Constable, 1 year
Mar 20, 1846 - Jacob B. Trammell - Constable, 1 year
- Thelma Welch Swanson

It appears that Jacob was involved in a land fraud scandal. Through a series of hearings and trials that lasted from 1828 to 1842 indicates that Jacob conspired with Macon County entry taker Jonathan Phillip. Phillips, after midnight, but before his office opened in the morning of 2nd of May, 1836, land purchases before was made by Jacob, who had the unfair of advantage of buying without competing. More than 100,000 acres of land was obtained illegally by Trammell. He had to face a jury and it appears he admitted his wrong doing, but there is no indication he was punished. - From MACON COUNTY ECHOS, Vol 17, No, 4, Winter, 2004.pp13-15.

Trammell became a wealthy farmer and landowner. In 1847, he and his partner B.W. Bell lost a suit in the Superior Court of North Carolina, and Trammell's property was sold to satisfy the judgement against them. Never the less, the 1850 Macon Country Census shows he still owned 360 acres worth $2,000.
He took the oath as a constable in the December 1931 Court. In 1935, the court appointed him Entry Taker (of land claims) for the county.
- from LOG CABIN COURT, p21, by Barbara Sears McRae.
In March 1829 Jacob ran for the office of County (Macon) Trustee and lost to Michael Wikle.
- from LOG CABIN COURT, p22, by Barbara Sears McRae.

Polly was a full blooded Cherokee Indian. I think she was either the daughter or the sister of their next door neighbor George W. Hogshead. Polly drowned in the Little Tennessee River near Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, between 1850 and 1860, while tending to her fish traps.

Jacob and Polly were married in the late 1820s. They were married early enough that when land lots were only doled out to Indians. The only whites who could get land were spouses of Indians.. In that way, Polly was beneficial to Jacob. Then, only a few years later when the Trail of Tears came about, only Indians who had white spouses were allowed to stay. The favor was returned, in Jacob’s favor.

Jacob and Polly Trammell had 10 children.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Do I Think I am? Wow! part 13

Jason Henderson Hunter and his first wife, but third, “mother of his children”, Elizabeth Sherrell had five children. Two of the children were Andrew John Hunter (c1847 – 1896) and Mary F. Hunter (c1856-c1881).

Mary married John C. Julien. John C. Julien was Jewish. Andrew John Hunter did not like that at all. Andrew and his wife Amanda highly disapproved visibly and vocally.

John and Mary had two daughters Margaret Canzadia and Ida Mae Julien. John started a ranch. As fate would have it John and Mary died and the daughters were handed off to Andrew and Amanda to raise.

John and Mary had two daughters Margaret Canzadia and Ida Mae Julien. John started a ranch. As fate would have it John and Mary died and the daughters were handed off to Andrew and Amanda to raise.

John and Mary’s ranch was quiet valuable when they died. The ranch was sold and John took possession of the money to “raise the two girls.”.

The two girls never saw a penny of that money.

Here is what I have on the oldest daughter Margaret Canzadia Julien:

While Margaret was still a child, her father John Julian, perhaps after his wife died, moved to Idaho where he owned a ranch. Margaret was raised by her uncle John A. Hunter, and his wife Amanda. Later the Hunters kept the money from the sale of the Idaho ranch. This upset Margaret's daughter, Gladys. But Margaret would not let Gladys or "other relatives" (Ida Mae's family?) file a lawsuit. Apparently, Margaret even destroyed some papers that would have increased a lawsuit's chance of success.

Maxine Ferguson:
"The Hunters were Maggie's mother's brother and his wife. Very austere persons. Maggie's father (John Julian) may have been Jewish, and that is where the Hunters drew the line. Margaret's father was not wealthy but well off."

Two sons died at birth.

Margaret Julian

Margaret lived with her daughter Gladys until she died in the mid-1950's. David Willis remembers her as a pleasant, quiet lady who made pumpkin pie for him and his sister.

Idamae Julian

The other sister Ida Mae was last heard of saying she was going to San Francisco. Just recently have I found her family line trickle down to present time. It trickled down to a gent who doesn’t like to email or write letters, so as the saying goes, I have what I have.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor Is Dead at 79.

The graceful legendary actress is dead. She went through 8 husbands and is said her private life was as dramatic as her on-screen life. If someone would ask me who would I think was an excellent "vamp" actress, I would say Elizabeth Taylor. She was a good actress ever since she was a kid.

I just heard on the news she was an excellent business woman with her perfume company.

Also she was a humanist, makingthe world aware how tragic the HIV virus is when the public had a negative view of the disease is and initiated organizations to get help for AIDS victims.

I don't think no one can deny she was a beautiful person, inside and out.... but she did appear batty at times.

Who Do I Think I am? Wow! part 12

James T. Hunter/Wright (1865 – 1919), son of Jason Henderson Hunter changed his named to James T. Wright because of a RR strike in Osawatomie, Kansas. He was fired as a striker. He changed his name to James T. Wright and was hired again. He raised his family using their surname as Wright and divorced and remarried as James T. Wright.

His great grandson told me members of the family believe when he adopted the surname of Wright he completely forgot his previous family, the Hunters.

Osawatomie, Kansas, was home to John Brown who, with his sons, with their raids, were believed partially responsible for the start of the Civil War.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

People in the AARP Tax Preparing Waiting Room

I took this picture from the front entrance of the Central library in Marietta. You can see the new Cobb County Courthouse on the right side. While I was taking a few pictures from the top steps, a guy came from inside who looked homeless. Every time I go to the Central library I see homeless people. It is a public place where people go out of the weather when they have nowhere else to go. This guy was smoking and was asking me about my camera, which made me nervous. I went back inside.

We took my mother-in-law to the Marietta Central Library to have her taxes done by a trained AARP volunteer. I went to the GA Room to research genealogy for a while and then returned to people watch. I overheard an elderly gentlemen telling somebody that his Marine unit was in China during a big part of World War II. He went on to say his poor wife, “bless her heart”, had a stroke several years ago which paralyzed her left side. She has a hard time speaking where you could understand her except when she is on the phone. She can speak perfectly while on the phone so he said he was going to get her a phone to hold when she is speaking to him.

There were two young ladies in their early 20s that appeared to be identical twins. One of them had swirling designs and green letters on her face. The old man carried on a conversation with them until he asked what was on her face. She explained it was makeup left from Saint Patrick’s day celebrations. He laughed and said when she came in he thought, “that poor girl was all messed up, bless her heart.”

Speaking of twins -

Another 69 year old man told me he retired from the Naval Air Base. His job on the base was spraying for bugs. He said he was “the bug man”. I told him I heard about him. He looked puzzled. I explained that my wife worked on the base and when management wanted to let the office off early for the day, they would say “the Bug Man” was coming, so they had to vacate, “wink, wink”. He said he didn’t know he had so much prestige. He is a father of two sets of twin girls. The oldest two are identical twins but the youngest two were not identical. His wife left shortly after the youngest pair were born so he had to raise them by himself. His name was called so he left with his well organized forms, receipts, statements, etc. in a neat folder ready to work on his taxes with the AARP volunteer.

Then I turned to my left. The young man sitting there was very tall. He said he graduated from Marietta High School last year and is now going to a two year college in town. He told me he did not qualify for the Hope Scholarship but did receive money from a grant, going on to say his mother is a Native of Nassau, Bahamas. He has been to the Caribbean with his family several times to visit his grandmother. I noticed a skateboard was on the floor by him. He said it was his only mode of transportation. He lives over a mile from downtown Marietta, probably 2 miles to Marietta High, and probably 3 or 4 miles to college. He also had a backpack and an I-pod. . Imagine him skateboarding down the road with his I-pod and backpack. His name was called and he left only to return in a short time. As he was picking up his skateboard I said, “That was quick.” He politely said, “Yes, the guy told me I had to bring my earnings statement.” Then he shook hands and said it was nice to meet me. Wonder if he only dates girls with skateboards.

After about 3 hours, we were ready to go. The AARP volunteer tax service is free, except for your time waiting. Since we are retired, our time is free anyway.

Who Do I Think I am? Wow! part 11

Above - Downtown Helen, Georgia.

England Family – while we are up the England family tree, Daniel and Peggy England’s parents William Richard and Margaret “Patsy” Montgomery England founded Helen, Georgia. It became a farming community. Now, it is resort community. The buildings downtown are made to look like buildings in the Swiss Aps.

The England family are buried in a little cemetery near the center of town, by the Chattahoochee River. There are not tombstone markers but big unmarked rocks in the cemetery.

- From an assortment of facts in the book "LIVING ON THE UNICOI ROAD" by Matt Gedney.

Coincidentally, We spent our Honeymoon near Helen at the Unicoi State Park.

1960 OLYMPIAN, Drama Club

There were plenty of Drama Queens all around back then.

Monday, March 21, 2011

On This Date in History, March 21. 1856

An Earthquake hits Tokyo; about 107,000 die

Who Do I Think I am? Wow! part 10

Two of John Hunter’s children married children of William Richard and Margaret “Patsy” Montgomery England. Harriet Hunter (1821 – aft 1900) married Daniel England (1818 – 1897) and William Johnson Hunter (1813-1899) married Margaret Elizabeth “Peggy” England (1819 – 1895).

Daniel and Peggy England’s aunt Nancy England was, of course, William Richard England’s sister.

Nancy is not blood related to us Hunters. She was related to in laws of the Hunters.

Nancy married Moses Harshaw. Moses was considered at one time, the meanest man in Georgia.

Among other things Moses is said to have killed his slaves when they got too old to be profitable, forcing them to leap from cliffs of nearby Lynch Mountain or dig their own graves if they were still able. When traveling about in his buggy, Harshaw some times had a slave in tow, the unfortunately black pulled along behind at the end of a long leather strap securely attached to a collar fitted snugly around his or her neck.

It is said that his tombstone bore the words "Died and Gone to Hell", however now the grave is unmarked.
-"LIVING ON THE UNICOI ROAD" pg53, by Matt Gedney

Moses Harshaw House, now Stovall Bed & Breakfast in Sautee Valley

History of The Stovall House
Constructed in 1837 as a private residence, The Stovall House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The original structure, one of the first residences in the area after the departure of the Cherokee Indians, was built by Moses Harshaw, a colorful Character in the history of the area who was reputed to be "the meanest man who ever lived ". Although an attorney by profession, he worked the land as a farmer and gold miner. He built the house and settled in the Sautee Valley because of its extraordinary beauty.

The Inn is named after the William Stovall family who resided in the house from 1893 to the late 1940's and developed the house to its present state. - WEBSITE

Daniel & Harriet Hunter England