
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

a Carport?


By experience I realized when you buy something for the house we live in, it is best to deal with an old timer. We went to Home Depot today and a bright young girl asked to help us and first we asked about a certain type of light bulb which she was very helpful. She knew her light bulbs. Then we asked her where the carport light fixtures were. She looked at us like she didn't comprehend. "You know, the glass thing that hold your light flush to the carport ceiling."
Blank look. She said, "What is a carport?"
She told us she would find someone who knows his stuff and she left.
She replaced herself with an shaking old fart who knew exactly what a carport was.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Big Wheel Keeps on Turning


I heard on the news that a Tina Turner Special is in the works.  I don’t know if a “comeback” or Tina lookalike is being planned.  It brought back memories of the time I saw her in person:

I was released from active duty in the Navy July 9th, 1965.  It took me about a day to drive back to Georgia, and a couple of days to reconnect with my hometown friends.  So, this happened about July thr 14th, give or take a day or two.

Monty Calhoun called me and said he and some more were going to the Royal Peacock Nightclub in Atlanta to see Ike and Tina Turner perform, did I want to go.  Yep!  Ike and Tina Turner’s music was heard all the time then.  I liked their hyper energized beat.

The Royal Peacock was in Atlanta in an all black area.  It was owned and operated by blacks and their clientele were mostly black.  If I remember correctly they had an admission charge but did not have a pouring license so they sold set-ups.  Bowl of ice, glasses, and maybe Cokes, ginger ale, and thinks.

We got fairly good seats, near up front Ike had his electric guitar, Tina had her frilly mini skirt that seemed to send at her hips, and the Iketts, a group of back-up ladies.  Their rocky fast paced music almost set the building on fire… well, not really on fire, but it seemed that if they had stopped their music suddenly the building would just keep on rocking anyway.  Ike had a special relation with his guitar, he could flick his tongue his guitar and make perverted sounds.  Tina dance and her whole body vibrated like she really put her body and soul in her body language – WOW!d she seemed to be having organisms. 


Monday, March 29, 2021

The Julian Girls (Hunter Distant Cousins)


This is Ida Mae Julian (1876- ? ). She is the daughter of John George Julian and Elizabeth Glorenia Hunter Julian. Elizabeth is the daughter of my great great grandfather Jason Henderson Hunter and Elizabeth Sherrill.
According to family stories, Elizabeth's brother John Andrew Hunter disapproved of their marriage because John Julian was Jewish. I don't know the how or any other details but John and Elizabeth Hunter Julian met an untimely death. Ida Mae and her sister Margaret was orphaned. Their uncle, John Andrew Hunter adopted them and raised them in a strict Baptist household. It was also handed down that he controlled their parents' money, Julians owned a big ranch in Idaho.
One determined researcher, Sherrill found a descendent of Ida Mae. She and her husband ran into the male descendent at a Dentists' Convention. Small world.
I am going through the notes Sherrill gave me and came up with this so far:
She found Ida Mae Julian on a 1900 Census living in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, in a boardinghouse owned by Widowed Margaret Wessburg. Margaret Wessbug was Mrs. Margaret Hunter Wessbug. She was sisters with Ida Mae's mother Elizaabeth. Margaret's husband died in Memphis before 1896.
Next door to the boardinghouse was Thomas Jones and his wife. Thomas was a Memphis policeman.
On the 1910 Census, Ida Mae and Margaret was living in Oregon. Also they have a 6 year old David Jones., no relationship filled in.
On the 1920 Census they are in Santa Cruz, California. David is still with them, 16 years old and now his last name as been changed to Julienne.
It seemed David's father, so they said, was a man of mystery, no one knew him, they just knew his name: Rozelle Julienne. It was a quick marriage, married and then he left never to return.
David's full name was David Hunter Julienne.
Sherrill hinted something is fishy. I wonder that too. The last name Julienne is too similar to his mother's last name of Julian.
It is like history repeating itself. Ida Mae's grandfather, Jason Henderson Hunter, who is my great-great grandfather was the town constable of Franklin, North Carolina, when he knocked up my great great grandmother Rebecca Trammell.
Anyway, David Hunter Julienne married Alice Johanne Emile Schougaard. She was born in Copenhagen. Their son is Charles "Chuck" Hunter Julienne (1933-1910) who Sherrill and her husband happened to run into a dentists' convention, talked about genealogy and discovered they were researching the same family. Small world.

May be an image of 1 person

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Saturday, March 27, 2021



Overheard two waitresses converse in a country cooking, all you can eat buffet:
(they converged on two tables next to us when the group of men got up and left)
"I thought you said you were going to wipe that table."
"I did say I was going to wipe the table and was going to when I noticed something in the floor so I bent over to pick it up and you started wiping the table before I could."
Same two Waitresses Later:
"If you tell me to work Tues-DAY, then you are telling me to work the day shift. But if you tell me to work Tuesdy, then you are telling me to work from opening to closing."
Same two, round three:
"How come he put the tip in your hand and I did all the work?"
"He's my buuuddy!"

Friday, March 26, 2021

Bluto & Skip


These were my friends Bluto Peck and Skip Williamson. taken 2001 about two months after 9/11. Bluto and I are big comicbook fans. Skip Williamson is a notable comicbook artist that lived in Marietta at the time. He created the character Snappy Sammy Smoot. . It is a long boring story how we all became friends. Bluto lives on the west coast, or did then, I haven't heard from him lately.. He came to Georgia and spent ten days with us. It is true what they say about fish after 3 days.
Skip died in 2017, leaving his wife Harriet and twins daughters.
May be an image of 2 people

Thursday, March 25, 2021

23 Skiddo!


23 Skidoo! (whatever that means). The Roaring 20s young lady on the right is Beatrice Elizabeth "Bea" Hunter Crain (1903-1971). I heard the reason of Bea's nickname "Bea" is because one of her younger brothers, my father, could not pronounce Beatrice when he was a toddler and the big family adapted. Bea was the only daughter of nine kids and the only one born outside of Georgia (Hunt County, Texas). Before she married she was a Southern Bell Telephone operator in the days before they had telephone dialing. Instead of dialing you would tell her who you wanted, and as a small town as Marietta was at the time, probably you could tell her the first name only. In 1931, Bea married Robert Spencer Crain (1903-1991), who owned several local businesses. They had five children and took in some of Spencer's orphaned kin and raised them as their own.
Bea was very generous and opened her house for family wakes, I remember visiting both my Hunter grandparents' bodies (two years apart) in her living room, and hosting big family get-togethers.
No photo description available.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

My Pink Dogwood Bloom

 I think this is the first picture I had taken with my new camera that did not have our new baby Rocky in it.  It was taken in our front yard on Fisher Drive, Smyrna, Ga.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Trump and TRUMP Magazine

 Kurtzman did TRUMP. Wait! This is probably a Trump you did not know existed. It lasted only two issues. The creator of MAD stayed around for 24 to about 29 issues, then he was fired. Hugh Hefner, the publisher of PLAYBOY promised to let him do a mag similar to MAD, but with no freedom. The new know-no limits magazine was named TRUMP.

It lasted two issues.
TRUMP was classier, funnier, and glossier than MAD. But the one thing MAD had over TRUMP that it still exists, sort of.
Even though I have the original two TRUMP Magazines they have became in time became wrinkled. A couple years ago Denis Kitchen, of Kitchen Sink Publishers offered the two TRUMPs reprint in one hardbound volume. I bought one, flipped through it, knowing every story by heart, put it down. And it went unopened again yesterday.
I did not know it put this hardbound has, as I said, the original pictures and text, but also a narration by Denis Kitchen of the story and/or a deeper look into Kurtzman and artists mind, during the production of TRUMP.
I’m reading it studying the Kitchen text for details. For instance the mock American Express ad below: I did not know artist Will Elder were drawing the two surprised guards with the likeness of Harvey Kurtzman in mind.

(Harvey Kurtzman was modeled as the guy on the left)
