
Monday, April 30, 2018

Cooper's Furnance

Using the jagged rocks it is built with I and friends, when teenagers, climbed this.  That was over 60 years ago.  It occurred to me recently, that I did not have a picture of this structure so it was on my To Do list the next time I was near.   So, here it is.

Below, copies and pasted is my research on Cooper's Furnace, why just reword what I read?  This is less work.

  1. Mark Cooper was a politician and an early organizer of the W&A RR. He bought a half interest in Moses & Jacob Stroup's Etowah Furnace and Bloomary on Stamp Creek in 1843. Cooper and Stroup planned a move to the Etowah River to be closer to the railroad, timberland and iron ore. The Etowah Manufacturing ...
  2. Cooper Furnace Day Use Area - Mobile District
    Coopers Furnace Day Use Park is open seasonally and is situated along the north bank of the Etowah River. The park has lots of single car parking, no trailers allowed. This park also allows a great view of the dam from downstream. Park Features: The old Coopers Furnace Iron Works Site Flush toilet restroom facilities
  3. Cooper Furnace, Cartersville, Georgia | Built by Moses Strou… |...
    Dec 23, 2009 ... Built by Moses Stroupe in the 1830's and purchased by politician Mark Cooper in the 1840's. The furnace was still in operation until it was destroyed by U.S. Troops in 1864 during the Civil War. All that remains of Cooper's Iron Works is the stone stack. It is located in the day use area of Allatoona Lake.
  4. Cooper's Furnace, Cartersville, Georgia - Roadside Georgia
    Nov 16, 2003 ... The only remains of the bustling industrial town of Etowah is the furnace at CooperIron Works. Built by Jacob Stroup in the 1830's, this foundry was the first in the area. A politician named Mark Cooper purchased the foundry from Stroup in 1844 after losing the election for governor to George Crawford in ...
  5. Mark Anthony Cooper's Iron Works – Georgia Historical Society
    Year Erected: 1962. Marker Text: These ruins of an old iron furnace built by Moses Stroup are all that remain of Cooper's Iron Works, developed by Mark Anthony Cooper, pioneer industrialist, politician, and farmer. Cooper was born in 1800 near Powelton, Ga. Graduating from S.C. College (now University of S.C.) in 1819, ...
  6. The Lost City of Etowah, Georgia | The Camak Stone
    Oct 11, 2013 ... Many Georgians have not heard of Etowah but may have visited the CoopersFurnace Day Use area at the base of Allatoona Dam in Cartersville, Georgia. Image. Etowah is recorded as being founded in 1845, established by Mark Anthony Cooper which started out as the Etowah Manufacturing and Mining ...
  7. Cooper's Furnace and Laurel Ridge Trails -'s_Furnace__and_Laurel_Ridge_Trails
    It then crosses a Laurel Ridge to an improved road, which is the return path to Cooper's Furnace. This is a great family hike and it is interpreted in places. History Mark Antony Cooper served during the Seminole Wars, in command of Fort Cooper (near Inverness) and his men help build the military road that connected with ...

Sunday, April 29, 2018


I suppose this is self-explanatory.  Cover art and story by editor Harvey Kurtzman and art by Wally Wood.  And, hey! Click On page to enlarge it to make it more understandable - or not. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Several years ago a mysteriously graffiti artist ‘s work started to appear on the public walls in London.  The art were realistic, witty, and were critical of socially aware.  He (or she) had a following.

 I am not sure if they ever figured  out who the anonymous Banksy is or not.

Here are some samples:

Yesterday we looked over some of the wall art in downtown Marietta.  I see a Banksy influence.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Swamp Draining News

The Candy Man has been found in the Swamp!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Giving Braves Verbal Advice

Yesterday researched online for the Atlanta Braves Standing.  It I read it right, in he National League East group the Braves are right in the middle.  There are two teams with a higher standing and two teams with a lower standing.

Maybe they need me.  I am rather clumsy at sports, but being on the outside looking in I can see what is needed.

Back in the 1980s when we went to some Braves games with our boys’ teams and/or scout troops I shouted out some pretty good advice.

For instance, one time they were down a couple of points in the 9th Inning .  The bases were loaded and Dale Murphy was up at bat. 

Everybody was hollowing for Dale to hit a home run or grand slammer.  Going along with the crowd I was hollowing too.  Just as I bellowed out for Dale “KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK DALE!!”  Just a moment before I shouted it everything fell silent.   My voice carried  over the whole stadium and even echoed because of the speakers.

Dale, holding his bat, looked up in my direction.  He motioned something and Bobby Cox came running up to him.  He and Bobby talked a moment, with Dale pointing in my direction and Bobby Cox now looking in my direction too and nodding.

Bobby got on his walkie-talking looking up my way.  Suddenly, two neat men in blazers came  with some papers rolled up.  They shook my hand and unrolled the paper.  It was a diagram of the “Ted” Stadium.  We quickly went over what I said, and what the results would be if Dale took my advice.

One of the young men quickly got on his walkie-talkie and said, “He’s right!  Do it now!”

Then I saw Bobby, near the dug out looking up our way with the walkie-talkie to his ear.  He nodded and turned around to the plate and gave Dale the “Thumbs up” and the rest is history.

Dale struck out.

And then I woke up.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Jerry Would Be 77

On Thursday, April the 26th, my first cousin, the late Jerry Hunter, would be celebrating his 77th year, if he was still alive.

Jerry was a F-105 pilot in the Air Force.  in Vietnam.  On his 34th mission he was shot down, losing is life May 25, 1966, at age 25.
Jerry was born about two and half months before me.

Another Hunter first cousin called me today and we had a nice enjoyable long talk.  We ended the conversation with this thought: 

 He said something like this, “Why do good people like Jerry live such a sort life, when a piece of work like me live so long?”

I told him I saw Jerry’s father  “Bus” looking at me and by his expression was  probably thinking close to  the same thing.

1st row: Vickie Crain and Frances Hunter
2nd row: Jerry Hunter, Bobby Crain, and Eddie Hunter
Back:  Jimmy Crain

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Postal Service is Doing Fine

Mr Trump, the Postal Service is doing fine without your help to relieve it of some of its work and is a trend or force you are going have to adjust to and deal with.  

Go bully somewhere else.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Them Too! This Date in History

On this date, April 23, 1915, 25,000 women marched down 5th Avenue in New York City.  It was all about Women Suffrage.

The movement has been around a while.  Maybe those with influence will listen this time.

Claim to Fame: Steve McQueen's Dogs Barked at me

The SUNDAY MORNING CBS NEWS SHOW had something on their show yesterday about Steve McQueen.   I confess I did not actually see what they had, but when they said it was coming up It brought back memories of the time I was looking at the two big barking dogs in Steve McQueen’s back yard. 

1967.  The Naval Reserve Squadron I was in went to NAS Yuma, Arizona, for two weeks of training.   The weekend was no duty.  We were free to do whatever we wanted, or could afford.  To made a long story short, or save for another blog, I will fast forward to downtown Las Angeles  that Saturday morning  I rented a hotel room.   At one point on Saturday I was sitting in the hotel’s huge lobby, near a window hoping to see a movie star walk by.

Then I saw my immediate boss for these two weeks, Chief Sprung, stroll by.  He was carrying a small suitcase.  I did not wave my arms or anything to get his attention.  I was looking forward of being alone.

He walked out of view of the window.  Whew!

Then he backed up back in the window’s view and waved.  Shit!

He rushed in waving and asked where was I staying.  “Here” I said.

“Great!” he said, he was having a hard time finding a room, he will just move in with me.  I said, “Great!” and secretly rolled my eyes.
The next morning, Sunday morning, he got on the phone.  He called an old Navy friend of his that worked as a technician for Disney Studios.

His friend came and picked us up and carried us back to his home in Hollywood Hills.  His wife was Asian.  They lived in a very nice modern house.  They were both very nice and congenial.  Chief Spung and his old Navy friend had a lot of catching up to do.  “What ever happen to blab bla la la”

The wife saw that I was left out of their conversation so she moved over towards me and started talking.  Then there was two conversations going on at the same time.  The wife guided me out of the room to show me around and have a more one on one conversation.  She showed me the rooms of the house, which I don’t remember and showed me the landscaping in the back yard. 

Two big dogs in a fence, adjacent to their side yard were barking at us.  She told me that was Steve McQueen’s dogs.  They knew her and wagged their tails when she talked to them but kept a guarded eye on me.

Steve’s house looked like a normal brick house, it was not a mansion.  The dogs were big, but I don’t remember what kind.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

R.I.P. Alton Caudell

L to R:  Gene Caudell Powell, Alton Cauldell, and Terry Townsend

click on picture to enlarge


I heard on the news that gas prices at the pump might go up because of the unrest in Arabic nations.  Let’s take a closer look. 

From MAD #3, art by John Severin and story by editor Harvey Kurtzman.

click on each picture to make it readable, understandable, and prettier. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018


Today is HUSBAND APPRECIATION DAY.  I’m glad a DAY has been sat aside to appreciate us devoted hard working husbands.  Sometimes I feel my positive ways go unnoticed. 
And thank you Hallmark for coming up with such a special day.  You are very generous sharing your thoughts!

Friday, April 20, 2018

On This Date in History, April 20

On this date, April 20, 1912, Fenway Park officially opened, Red Sox beat NY Highlanders 7-6 in 11.

That reminds me of the Braves’ Sun Trust Park that was completed and moved into last year, here in Cobb County.

I wonder if afterwards Fenway was occupied did suddenly fees go up on services at for Senior Citizens centers  of the City of Boston and Suffolk County?

Another Scoop of Ice Cream

I have heard that at dinners at the Whitehouse for dessert each guest gets one scoop of ice cream.  Trump gets two.  Keep that in mind.

While listening to a special on the history of Rock and Roll and doing other things I think I heard it said that Jimi Hendrix was once fired from a famous music man’s backup band because he was better than his boss.

I wonder if that is why so many leaders are fired by Trump.  Each is more radiant and come  as a smoother talker than Trump?  Or did they ask for another scoop of ice cream?

Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Teacher, Miss Shouse

One of my report cards in the 5th grade.  You will see that Miss Shouse watched me in a critical way, but there's more that are not in pictures:

One time Van Callaway pushed me against the fire escape railing splitting my fore head.  Miss Elberta Shouse sat in the teachers lounge on a little couch holding my head up and also holding an ice pack to keep me from bleeding out until help could arrive.

She lived in a boarding house on Forest Avenue.  Somehow a Pigeon got in her room and she caught it and had it in a box.  She said I could have it if I wanted it.  After school I walked home with her and got the bird in the box and carried it home and put it in an extra room on the back porch.  The next morning feathers were all over, but no Pigeon.  Either  a rat or a cat ate it.

Elberta went on to married Billy Kinney, a reporter for the local Marietta Journal.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Live Longer! Get a Pet!

According to Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader pet owners live longer tan petless people; less heart attacks.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Our DNA in Hisory

I just came across the below paragraph again (I forgot I have it).   The paragraph mentions several parts of history (Trail of Tears, Civil War, etc) that our relatives had a part in; This Samuel Hunter (1793-1852) is not an ancestor but an ancestor’s nephew.  Samuel  married Catherine Poteat and they had eleven children.

Samuel was born in the Hunter Homestead at the mouth of Big Ivy on the French Broad River.       Samuel and two of his sons are said to have assisted in the removal of the Cherokee Indians in 1838.       Part of the "Ocoee Purchase" of Cherokee land south of the Hiwassee River was organized in 1838 into Meigs County, Tennessee.  It was there, near the old post office in Limestone, that Samuel Hunter received a grant of land for a farm in  1838, and in the following year, December 11, 1838, he received an additional grant, No. 911 of Ocoee Grants, listed in Book B-430 of  the Tennessee State Archives.       Two of his sons served as officers in the Union Army during the Civil War; one of these sons was killed by bushwhackers at the close of the war, and the other died in a Confederate prison camp.  Two other sons of Samuel became ministers of the Gospel and held pastorates in the Methodist Episcopal Church.

PS. I don't know where the Big Ivy's mouth is on the French Broad River, but I do know the French Broad River flows through Buncombe County, and in Buncome it flows through the Biltmore Estate. it is feasible that Samuel Hunter's farm was on what would become the Biltmore property.

No Money Here!

Looking at TV commercials between of the two top people running for Georgia’s Governor it appears a new trend is taking off.  One said when growing up in Ringgold her family lived in 16 different houses or trailers.  The other one tells of his single mother who raised him.

They are not complaining, they are bragging.

I think they are trying to be just the opposite of what Trump seems to be saying:  “I’m rich and you’re not!”

They studied the polls.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Robert Crumb's America

AMERICA by Robert Crumb

click on picture to enlarge it to make sense.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Land of Cotton, Look Away...

Not long ago we read in The Marietta Journal that giant  mural art would be on the side of some buildings in downtown Marietta and also at Brown Park is a freshly installed pedestrian bridge that crosses over South Marietta Parkway and we could not place exactly where, so while in the area we checked it out ourselves.  It is right beside Richard Hunter’s Memorial Bridge.  Richard Hunter is my uncle Dick.

Also, while there parking in the Brown Park small parking lot we saw a large group of people up on top of the hill in the Confederate Cemetery.  I couldn’t resist, I checked it out.  They were having a Confederate Memorial Day Ceremony.  With speakers, Taps, 21 Gun Salutes and all.

Look Away, Look Away, Dixie…